Orks Top The Midtcon GT: Best 40k Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horYes, Orks! The Midtcon GT happened over the weekend with some pretty sweet Warhammer 40k army lists taking the top spots!

The tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. 

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.

Midtcon GT 40K top 8

3rd Place: Michael Geneser – Tyranids


Michael Geneser 1


Michael Geneser 2


2nd Place: Alexander Jessen – Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


Alexander Jessen 1

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Alexander Jessen 2

1st Place: Andreas Drachmann – Orks

Ork Feature wal hor


Andreas Drachmann 1

Andreas went with two detachments of Orks going back to an old strategy that seems to work out pretty well for them! The first detachment is an Outrider led by a Deffkill Wartrike, which is a great model, packed with impressive stats, weapons, and mobility.

Fast Attacks start with a Boomdakka Snazzwagon, which is a cheap vehicle with some extra shots packed into it. The bulk of the detachment is found in the 9 DeffKoptas, which are great mobile weapon platforms that arent too expensive and of course have great mobility. There are also a total of 9 Warbikers, for even more mobility and a few decent bodies to help take out stragglers or rush to where a few extra shots might be needed to win a skirmish.

Andreas Drachmann 2

The second detachment is another Outrider, this time being led by a Warboss on Warbike for a slightly more supportive unit, but is still a big stat-stick with great mobility.

The Fast Attacks this time around are also bringing in serious vehicles. A Kustom Boosta Blasta and 2 Shokkjump Dragstas provide three mobile threats that aren’t expensive and ultimately have pretty good damage output on top of it. 2 Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies provide some higher wound-count models and a decent array of ranged weapons that can target nearly anything with decent effectiveness.

Finally, there are two Scrapjets for harassing and suicide bombing when they get low for some free mortal wounds.

Andreas Drachmann 3

Closing out the list is a Dakkajet for a fast aerial threat that can pump out a few minor shots and a Wazbom Blastajet for a more devoted ranged aerial threat to pump out shots every round.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think about all three of these top 40k army lists from the Midtcon GT? 

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