Mighty Skullcrushers are Khorne’s Rumbling Stampede

khorne aos sigmar hor walMighty Skullcrushers are a truly terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield, when they want your skull, they are going to get it!

The legions of Khorne are vast, angry, and frightening made up of countless daemons and madmen. The Skullcrushers are somehow one of the scariest units in the army. Get out your biggest mount and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Those who think Khorne’s legions consist solely of daemons and raving madmen are gravely mistaken. For one of the Blood God’s most feared warriors ride on top of powerful Juggernauts. Capable of trampling even the heaviest of armor. These bloodthirsty warriors are Mighty Skullcrushers. They are a terrifying combination of a mortal rider and a daemonic mount made from metal and pure rage. The mere sight of these hordes charging your lines is enough to make a weak man flee on sight. Those brave or foolish enough to stand firm are met with brazen hooves and blood-tainted glaves.

Any mounted cavalry has two essential parts, the rider and mount. Any warrior devoted to Khorne, experienced enough on mounts can be chosen to join the ranks of the Mighty Skullcrushers. However the choice is not up to them, but the Juggernauts. They normally roam the Realm of Khorne but break out when the scent of blood from the Mortal Realms becomes too strong. They spill forth from a tear in reality in search of a new rider. When a Juggernaut has found a warrior strong and capable enough, they have 8 heartbeats to decide: Serve Khorne or die. Any who hesitate are immediately crushed beneath their hooves.

Warriors that accept Khorne’s blessings join the ranks of the Mighty Skullcrushers. They often serve under the command of a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut. When they ride to battle the sound alone is enough to break the will of the weak. The unholy sound of steam snorting monsters stampeding towards the enemy with raging warriors on top of them. When finally in melee range they’ll quickly cover the entire battlefield in blood and terror. The warriors themselves wield mighty weapons to easily claim more skulls for Khorne all whilst their Juggernauts’ hooves trample and crush anyone unfortunate enough to get in their way.

On the Field

blades of khorneOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Mighty Skullcrushers are the foremost cavalry of mortal Khorne armies. Furthermore, they can be taken as a battleline option should your general be a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut. An army consisting solely of Juggernaut cavalry is a possibility. Each Mighty Skullcrushers has 5 wounds to shrug off a lot of damage while closing into melee range. However, their 8″ move makes this easier said than done.

Each Juggernaut is armed with their Brazen Hooves, mighty metal weapons in their own right. Brazen Hooves battle with 3 attacks and a 3+ to hit and wound rolls. Thus making them a solid weapon to batter the foe. Their riders can be equipped with Ensorcelled Axes or Bloodglaives. Enscrolled Axes have the same stats as their Juggernauts’ Brazen Hooves, effectively doubling your damage output. Bloodglaives however trade in a solid hit roll, bringing it down to 4+, for a powerful -1 rend. All these weapons dish out a ton of attacks per model to bring down enemy units and monsters in one fell swoop.

A unit of Mighty Skullcrushers is led by a veteran Skullhunter. They show their prowess by attacking more often than their more standard kin, adding 1 to their attack pool. One in every three models can bring a mighty standard to battle, adding 2 to the unit’s bravery. One in every three models can be chosen to blow their war-horn, adding 1 to their charge rolls. However, their scariest ability is their Murderous Charge. After each charge move that has the Mighty Skullcrushers in 1″ of an enemy unit, they have the ability to inflict mortal wounds to the enemy no matter how large their horde might be.

Mighty Skullcrushers truly are Khorne’s chosen stampede of blood.

Learn More About Mighty Skullcrushers Here!