More Chaos Marines Rumors Arrive!

By Rob Baer | September 3rd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Even more rumors are dropping today for the Tzeentch flavor of Chaos. Come taste the Chaos rainbow and see latest!

via B&C’s TheHairySorcerer20 9-2-2015

You can have up to 4 others with ahriman or a mastery 3. The main knows the powers of themselves and the others. Mark of tzeentch only. +1 S to any psychic power with a strength value as well as -1 to any enemy deny the witch.

If you recall 2 weeks back HairySorcerer20 chimed in with this:

via The HairySorcerer20 on Bolter and Chainsword 8-21-2015

So the manager at my local GW got back from Nottingham a while ago. And couldn’t help but tell me theres talk of a new chaos codex coming this year at the HQ. I’ve known this guy for years. I’ve never been brought into the back of the shop and had him tell me. Then he mentioned horus heresy stuff in October apparently. I’ve scanned through the internet and found nothing on either. Although he seems like he really wants me to.expect something. I’ll ask him for more info tomorrow. Not too excited. But he isnt a liar. And heck, he’s coming to me about this as I’m essentially tge biggest chaos fanboy at tge shop.

I’ll edit this post if some new info comes up. He said something about tau later in the year but I was too busy squabbling mindlessly about what could be changed. OH and apparently we are going seeing a new deamon engine.. Joy.

…He told me to keep £35 handy around the end of this month to the start of September.

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~More and More… CSM rumors whats going on.

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