NEW END TIMES – Book 4 Cover Leaks & More

By Rob Baer | January 5th, 2015 | Categories: End Times, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Skaven walpaper

Hide, Hide, Man-things – the rats are on the march!

Looks like the End Times Book 4 is slated for release on January 17th. As expected it will be titled Thanquol, and should focus on the Skaven’s part in the current events of the Olde World.

There is also some new pics of the HUGE new Thanquol on Boneripper model to accompany the plastic Verminlord that we just just saw in White Dwarf #49 as well.

Pictures via L’astropate, and Forge the Narrative


thanquil edit

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So where do we stand on the End Times? Checkout the new Thanquil and Boneripper model in the full End Times 4 Rumor Roundup!