More New Forge World Horus Heresy & Necromunda Upgrades Hit Pre-Order

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityEven more new Horus Heresy and Necromunda Forge World upgrades are here for pre-order; Get them while you can!

If you want any of the new Horus Heresy upgrades or Necromunda, this will be the week for you! You will be able to order them via Forgeworld, meaning these are all Resin minis.

More New Forge World Horus Heresy & Necromunda Upgrades Hit Pre-Order

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Captain Lucius – The Faultless Blade: $52

Captain Lucius – The Faultless Blade

Lead your Emperor’s Children into battle with one of the most arrogant Space Marines ever to don power armour. Lucius is a consummate swordsman, slicing his way through even the most well-armoured of foes thanks to the Blade of the Laer, a gift from his Primarch Fulgrim. This new miniature comes clad in the finest artificer armour and can be built with or without a helmet.

Named Characters are always awesome, so this guy is no different. This is especially great if you play Emperor’s children, of course!

Emperor’s Children – Legion Praetor: $38

Emperor’s Children – Legion Praetor

Clad in the second finest artificer armour is the Emperor’s Children Legion Praetor. Armed with a Phoenix power spear, they can cut their way through anyone foolish enough to get too close. They can be assembled with a helmet or bareheaded to unleash their sonic shriekers upon your enemies.

Horus Heresy models are littered with iconography, and these are no different.

Emperor’s Children – Legion Tartaros Praetor: $45

Emperor’s Children – Legion Tartaros Praetor

For someone in heavier armour, go for the Tartaros Praetor. He’s armed with a combi-weapon and a power weapon, which could easily be used as a paragon blade or a Phoenix rapier. Back him up with a retinue and easily sweep enemy units from objectives.

Emperor’s Children MKVI Heads: $23

Emperor’s Children MKVI Heads

Finish off your Mark VI Space Marines in style with these Emperor’s Children heads. The upgrade kit comes with nine helmeted heads, a Sergeant’s helmet with a stylish topknot, and a bare head with a contemptuous grin.

Add some variety to your troop with these easy head swaps.

Emperor’s Children MKVI Shoulder Pads: $23

Emperor’s Children MKVI Shoulder Pads

These resin upgrades will be the cherry on top of your III Legion troops, with 10 shoulder pads with the Emperor’s Children Legion symbol on them to personalise an entire squad.

Similar to the heads, these shoulder pads are an easy hobby win.

White Scars MKVI Shoulder Pads: $23

White Scars MKVI Shoulder Pads

If you prefer your Loyalists to look as good as the Traitors, grab these shoulder pads for your V Legion. The kit includes 10 shoulder pads designed to fit perfectly on your Mark VI miniatures.

You also can upgrade your White Scars with some new shoulder pads.

White Scars MKVI Heads: $23

White Scars MKVI Heads

Show the Space Wolves who the real kings of the topknot are with these White Scars heads. In this upgrade set, you get nine helmeted heads (with topknots), a Sergeant’s helmet (with topknot), and a bare head (with topknot). Perfect for when you want to feel the wind in your hair (topknot).

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Gaen & Vunder Gorvos: $42

Gaen & Vunder Gorvos

Add the legendary Gorvos siblings to your outlaw gangs for Necromunda. By underhive standards, they’re both spoilt and entitled, with Vunder as the idiot brother armed with gold plated stub guns, and Gaen his brutal sister tossing around gunk bombs. You can find full rules for using them in games in The Book of Judgement.

These super unique models provide a unique hobby challenge along with having rules in Necromunda!

Durgan Kill-Fist, Outlaw Bounty Hunter: $42

Durgan Kill-Fist, Outlaw Bounty Hunter

Sometimes it’s hard to tell where some fighters get their nicknames from. With Durgan Kill-Fist, it’s pretty obvious. Hire him as a Bounty Hunter for your Outlaw gangs and watch him pulverise enemy gangs with his huge spiked gauntlet and even bigger mace. He can also be chosen to lead an Outcasts gang as per the rules in Book of the Outcast. Durgan comes with a fighter profile card featuring his Necromunda rules.

This new beefcake is an excellent addition to your forces if you’re building this gang.

Axon Hammer, Outlaw Goliath House Agent: $42

Axon Hammer, Outlaw Goliath House Agent

He might not have an axe or a hammer, but this Goliath House Agent does have a combi-weapon and Fists of Steel. Outlaw House Goliath gangs can petition Axon for help, and if they’re lucky, he’ll join them, especially if their cause is just enough. A profile card containing Axon’s rules is included with the miniature.

Another great new Character, this time with a more ranged focus.

Goliath Champion with Renderizer: $35

Goliath Champion with Renderizer

The new Forge Boss, on the other hand, does have an axe, and it’s massive! He can be added to any Goliath gang, and comes equipped with the aforementioned renderizer, a combi-pistol, and a combi-weapon. Rules for using Forge Bosses in your gangs can be found in House of Chains, and rules for using this fully tooled-up chap will be in a forthcoming Apocrypha Necromunda article.

Split the uprights with a mixed ranged and melee character.

Propagandist & Agitator: $42

Propagandist & Agitator

Think your Necromomunda gang is the best? Then get someone to shout about it for you. These Hangers-on can improve your gang’s reputation, while the Propagandist can also help with recruitment, and the Agitator can add extra territories to an Outlaw gang. Rules for using the Propagandist can be found in The Book of Judgement, and rules for the Agitator can be found in The Book of Ruin.

Finally, these neutral characters also join the Necromunda line-up.

Will you be picking any of these new Forge World releases? 

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