More New Forge World Horus Heresy Upgrades Are Here

forge-world-logo-banner-games-workshop-warhammer-40kNew Forge World Horus Heresy upgrade kits, this time for the Night Lords, have been revealed by Games Workshop

We know now that these won’t be in plastic, so if you were hoping for all-new plastics for your models, it looks like we won’t be getting everything in plastic after all…

Night lords horus heresy upgrade kitsWarhammer Community unveiled the latest round, and it also looks like they will eventually release an upgrade pack or two for each legion which should make customizing your forces much easier! They have released a bunch already; if you want to see everything so far, check them all out here.

Night Lords Get a Round of Horus Heresy Upgrade Kits!

Night lords horus heresy upgrade kits 2

The Night Lords aren’t the only Legion to draw their recruits from unscrupulous sources – but while the Sons of Horus might be happy with a gang marking here and there, the VIII celebrate their murderous heritage with perhaps a little too much relish.

The Mark VI helmet set from Forge World features nine helmets in two different designs, all with macabre, toothy grilles – a grisly death mask symbol drawn from the dark courts of Nostramo. An officer’s helm adds further chiropteran flair with a classic bat wing crest, while the scarred bare head is equally fearsome with its vicious smirk.

These are actually some of the cooler upgrades we’ve seen recently, as they have a classic feel, but don’t go so overboard that they look a little ridiculous (we’re looking at you, Space Wolves, just kidding). 

Night lords horus heresy upgrade kits 3

Bat iconography abounds in the Night Lords’ armoury, thanks to the permanent night that shrouds Nostramo. Even their Legion icon combines crimson bat wings with a fanged skull to remind their foes that they embody vengeance – as seen on their MK VI shoulder pads.

The bat wings are just a classic and will immediately make your guys feel more deadly, and obviously, that will make you roll better (it will make all results be based on luck and statistics, we mean).

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Horus Heresy Rules & Product Leaks. Click on the gallery above to see new Horus Heresy models and rules rumors!

What do you think about these new Forge World Horus Heresy upgrade kits?

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