More New Horus Heresy Forge World Upgrades Hit MTO

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Horus Heresy Forge World upgrades are on MTO right now for the Night Lords and Iron Hands- check out what you can score!

If you play Night Lords or Iron Hands, this might be the release for you. As we said, it looks like they are all on MTO, which means it will take a while for you to get them, but at least you’re guaranteed the upgrades.

Iron Hands Cataphractii Shoulder Pads: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades

Display your warriors’ devotion to the machine with this Forge World upgrade kit, which includes ten Iron Hands Legion-specific resin Cataphractii shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. This upgrade pack contains enough components to outfit a squad of 5 Cataphractii Terminators.

Iron Hands MKIV Shoulder Pads: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades 2

 Included are 10 Iron Hands Legion-specific MKIV shoulder pads for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – enough components to outfit a squad of 10 Space Marines. The components in this kit are supplied unpainted.

Iron Hands MKII Shoulder Pads: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades 3

10x Iron Hands sculpted shoulder pads that feature plain trim around their edges and bear the icon of the Iron Hands.

Iron Hands MKIII Torsos: $23

Iron Hands Forge World Upgrades 4

This upgrade pack includes five Iron Hands Legion-specific resin torsos for use in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, compatible with MKIII, MKIV, and MKV armour.

Night Lords MKII Shoulder Pads: $23

Night Lords upgrades

Ave Dominus Nox! The Night Lords are a twisted Legion, using terror tactics to instill fear and undermine enemy morale. The Legion icon is a sinister skull surrounded by spread bat wings, a common motif among the VIII Legion.

Night Lords MKIII Shoulder Pads: $23

Night Lords upgrades 2

This Forge World upgrade kit includes 10 Night Lords Legion-specific MKIII shoulder pads to represent the VIII Legion in your games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, and contains enough components to deck out a squad of 10 Space Marines. 

Night Lords MKIV Torsos: $23

Night Lords upgrades 3

5x Night Lords torsos, replete with gothic designs and grisly trophies.

Click Here to Get Your Horus Heresy Forge World Upgrades

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