More Skaven Coming to Age of Sigmar? New Rumor SPOTTED!

By James Rodriguez | March 29th, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Skaven, Warhammer 40k Rumors

master moulder skavenA new rumor has come to the surface and it sounds like the Skaven are going to be making there way onto the Age of Sigmar battlefield!

Let’s take a look at what 79Hasting69 had to say about the Skaven, and their supposed return to the already smash hit, Age of Sigmar. Don’t forget to add salt.


I am expecting Skaven later this year, and as far as I know there will be “some” repacks but also plenty of nasty new additions (I seem to recall it’s much more of a Skyre type affair this time around with new technologies/weapons etc.) but I wouldn’t be surprised to see some new plague monk type things. These currently seem to be the favoured skaven subfactions for GW, hopefully the new book will clarify what Skaven are like in the new setting and their backstory from leaving the old world and what they’ve done since arrival etc.

Of course with the return of a faction, as we’ve seen in the past, you can expect some repacks, but a nice push of new models. Games Workshop has definitely stepped their game up with the amount of detail they’re putting into the new AoS minis, we can only expect the same thing from a new Skaven army. 79Hastings69 did say it would be later this year, so this may just be a rumor floating around for a while before we hear anything official from Games Workshop.

Hopefully we’ll be able to shed some light on it sooner than later, be sure to check back in with us for the latest updates.

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