Black Library Reprinting Horus Heresy Novels 31-35

These MTO Black Library releases focusing on Horus Heresy 31-35 are headlining the lore side of things this week!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Legacies of Betrayal Horus Heresy Anthology

Legacies of Betrayal (Hardback) Horus Heresy Anthology

Only from out of great conflict can true heroes arise. With the galaxy aflame and war on an unimaginable scale tearing the Imperium apart, champions of light and darkness venture onto countless fields of battle in service to their masters. They ask not for remembrance or reward – simply to meet their destiny head-on, and only by embracing that destiny will they come to learn what the unseen future may yet hold for them…

Veritas Ferrum by David Annandale
Butcher’s Nails and Heart of the Conqeror by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Serpent, Riven, and Warmaster by John French
Hunter’s Moon and Strike and Fade by Guy Haley
Censure by Nick Kyme
KryptosThief of Revelations and LuciusThe Eternal Blade by Graham McNeill
The Eightfold Path by Anthony Reynolds
Honour to the DeadThe Divine Word, and Guardian of Order by Gav Thorpe
Brotherhood of the StormWolf’s Claw, and Lone Wolf by Chris Wraight

Deathfire (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 32

Deathfire (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 32THE STORY
Vulkan lies in state beneath the Fortress of Hera, and yet many of his sons still refuse to believe that he is truly dead. After a seemingly miraculous rescue by the Ultramarines, Artellus Numeon, once captain of the Pyre Guard, urges the other Salamanders on Macragge to leave Imperium Secundus and return their primarch’s body to the home world of Nocturne – there to be reborn in the flames of Mount Deathfire. But Numeon grapples endlessly with his doubts and fears for the future of the Legion, while their foes seek to carve out new destinies of their own…

Written by Nick Kyme

War Without End (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 33

War Without End (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 33

The Emperor’s vision of mankind ascendant lies in tatters. The Great Crusade is naught but a fading memory. The dream of Unity is no more. But with Horus’ rebellion spreading to every corner of the Imperium and war engulfing new worlds and systems almost daily, there are some who now ask: were the signs there to be seen all along? In these dark times, only one thing is certain – the galaxy will never know peace again, not in this lifetime nor a thousand others…

Sermon of Exodus by David Annandale
Howl of the Hearthworld and Lord of the Red Sands by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Black Oculus by John French
The Laurel of Defiance, A Safe and Shadowed Place, and Twisted by Guy Haley
Artefacts, The Phoenician, Imperfect, and Chirurgeon by Nick Kyme
The Devine Adoratrice and Wolf Mother by Graham McNeill
Hands of the Emperor and The Harrowing by Rob Sanders
Virtues of the Sons by Andy Smillie
All That Remains and Gunsight by James Swallow
By the Lion’s Command by Gav Thorpe
Allegiance and Daemonology by Chris Wraight

Pharos (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 34

Pharos (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 34

With the noble Emperor Sanguinius ruling from Macragge, Imperium Secundus stands as a lone beacon of hope even as the Warmaster’s forces continue to ravage the rest of the galaxy. Roboute Guilliman, still Master of Ultramar, has convinced his brother that Terra has fallen and that the mysterious Mount Pharos on Sotha now holds the key to mankind’s future. But the Night Lords, those cruel and pitiless sons of Konrad Curze, have been watching from the shadows and make ready to launch their long-planned attack on the Pharos itself…

Written by Guy Haley

Eye of Terra (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 35

Eye of Terra (Hardback) The Horus Heresy Book 35

The galaxy burns at Horus’ command, and a billion more lives are lost with each passing moment – though it was not always so. Once, the title of Warmaster stood for honour, loyalty, and a fierce pride in the strength of the Space Marine Legions. But perhaps by following the myriad lines of destiny and defiance that were already woven around the primarchs and their sons, we may yet come to understand the bitterness that can eat away at even the most steadfast of souls…

This Horus Heresy anthology contains fifteen short stories and a novella by authors such as Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Graham McNeill, Nick Kyme, Gav Thorpe, and many more.

The Wolf of Ash and Fire by Graham McNeill
Aurelian, The Long Night and Massacre by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Brotherhood of the Moon by Chris Wraight
Inheritor and Master of the First by Gav Thorpe
Vorax by Matthew Farrer
Ironfire by Rob Sanders
Red-Marked and Stratagem by Nick Kyme
Sins of the Father and The Herald of Sanguinius by Andy Smillie
The Eagle’s Talon by John French
Iron Corpses by David Annandale
The Final Compliance of Sixty-Three Fourteen by Guy Haley

These upcoming Black Library releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score them today!

Will you be ordering any of these books?

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