Muse on Minis Has Incredible Star Wars Shatterpoint Game Mats!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Mats featureMuse on Minis has a bunch of new and updated Star Wars Shatterpoint mats to fit with the new game- check it out!

Shatterpoint is super fun, but sometimes, you need some cool tokens, templates, mats, and accessories to take it over the top. That’s where Muse On Minis comes into play. We’ll focus on the mats today, but they have so much more than this for Shatterpoint.

Also, you can mural the mats for Legion as well, meaning you can buy one style and play most of your Star Wars games on it.

If you haven’t jumped into the game yet, you can check out the starter set details here. For now, though, let’s look at the new mats and how you can score yours.


Star Wars Shatterpoint MatsThey currently have three different styles available, but the longer the game is out, the more they will expand the line! Plus, all three look so cool and will really give you that Star Wars feel in no time!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Mats 3As we said, the forest mat can be muraled into a 3×6 board, meaning you can run either type of game on them.

They also have Legion-specific mats, but this will let you play both games. So nothing wrong with that!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Mats 2Here are the specs on the mats:

  • 3X3 Neoprene Mats for use with Shatterpoint, a Forest Moon, a Desert, and a Lava World!
  • The Forest Map is designed to be Muraled to 3X6 for Star Legion as well.

If you love Shatterpoint, then you need to check out everything else Muse on Minis has been coming out with for the game. That does it for this one, go get some mats for the new game!

Click Here to Get Your Shatterpoint Mats!