You have to see the new Tau KX-139 Titan’s size compared to the other BIG 40k robots. One lucky gamer shows us the goods!
Image via owner Michael Byrne 9-8-2015 (google+)
OK, so that’s enormous!
It’s taller than a Knight Cerastus, and towers over the standard Knight Errant. It doesn’t have the mass of the Imperial Warhound, but being a Tau creation, I bet it’s packing equivalent firepower.
Now at long last Riptide pilots can feel inadequate!
Here are some earlier shots of the KX-139 kits and future weapon options from all over the net:
I would expect Forge World to roll out the KX-139 any day now as they were selling them in limited numbers at OPEN DAY Amsterdam apparently.
I think this bodes well for the Tau’s ability to deal with a multitude of tabletop threats now-adays.
~Problem Astartes?