Necromunda Full Chaos Cultist Rules SPOTTED!

Chaos CultistsThis month’s White Dwarf is almost out, and inside the covers are new rules for the Chaos Cultists in Necromunda. Come find out the latest on this White Dwarf exclusive.

The Chaos Cultists are the latest gang addition for the Underhive, and their rules can be found in this month’s White Dwarf. We’re getting a look at the WD exclusive rules courtesy of Scanner. First up, let’s take a look at how much the weapons are going to cost you.

Necromunda Chaos Cultists Weapons

The Heavy flamer is going to be the most expensive on the list, coming in at 195 credits. It’s going to be Strength 5, -2 AP, deals 1 Damage, it’s got a 5+ for Ammo, and you’ll use the Flamer template when determining range. As for close combat, the Club, maul, or hammer is going to be your most expensive at 25 credits. It can only be used against targets that you’re engaged with, Strength is User, and it does 2 Damage. Are these weapons worth their point costs? We’ll leave that one up to you to decide.Chaos Cultists WD Necromunda

Now, on to the fighters. A Helot Cultist is going to cost your 35 Credits each, O-2 Cult Disciplines are 60 credits each, O-2 Cult Witches are 70 credits each, and the Cult Demagogue is coming in at 100 credits each. None of these starts with any equipment and all will have some kind of equipment restrictions with the exception of the O-2 Cult Disciplines.

The Cult Demagogue has a Movement of 5″, WS/BS 3+, Strength 3, Toughness 3, 2 Wounds, a 3+ Initiative, 2 Attacks, Leadership 6+, Cool 5+, Willpower 6+, Intelligence 7+, and it starts with the Cult Leader skill. This allows all fighters from their gang use their Cool and Willpower, while they’re within 9″, instead of their own when making any checks.

This is only a couple of the pages of rules for the Chaos Cultists that are in this month’s White Dwarfs, you can see the rest over on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook page.

What do you think about the latest rules drop? Are you planning on making a new army for your next Necromunda match? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

For more on these releases, Necromunda: Underhive, and all things Warhammer 40k, visit Games Workshop!