Necromunda: House Cawdor Sprues SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | July 26th, 2018 | Categories: Necromunda, Warhammer 40k Rumors

cawdor necromunda new releases

House Cawdor is getting the spotlight lately as some sprues for the gang were spotted online. Take a look at what they’ll be getting.

Dangerous_joe posted some Cawdor bits still on sprue onto Twitter the other day. House Cawdor was initially mentioned back at Warhammer Fest and looking at the sprues, they’re absolutely jam-packed.

They’ll be perfect for giving your Necromunda gang some character or making sweet conversions to other 40k models. Take a closer look with us.

House Cawdor Sprues

cawdor sprue 1

cawdor sprue 2

Being a Necromunda gang, they don’t have the best military equipment out there. They usually scrounge around and find enough bits to slap a gun together. You can tell from the rusty spikes and nails tied to the ends of guns.

Robes and masks are the main armor loadout for Cawdor. (spoilers. It’s not that effective). However, they do have the numbers to offset the t-shirt armor.

House Cawdor is the kind of gang that goes dumpster diving on a Saturday night, avoid the police, and manage to get away with a profit. They don’t have the best equipment but they make whatever they can get their hands on work.

cawdor gang

This gang comes packed with a religious Medieval fanatic “feel”. Oh, and they have a guy shooting rockets from a Crossbow. House Cawdor should be able to compete with the full spectrum of gangs. They can unload a ton of shots due to their sheer numbers and also do some damage in close combat thanks to those rusty hooks on their guns.

Early Cawdor Concept Art

Take a look at the early concept art for House Cawdor. It’s definitely got a Mad Max feel to it. The intricacies to each pic are absolutely fantastic.

cawdor concept 1

Snivels has a little hearing cone so he can follow commands from Grunt

cawdor concept 2

cawdor concept 3

cawdor concept 4

In Conclusion, we really didn’t expect to see sprues for the gang this early but it looks like we can look forward to exciting times ahead for Necromunda!

What do you think about House Cawdor? Will you be running them as a gang in Necromunda or using the bits as conversions to other models? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

necromunda art

More on what’s on the way for Necromunda!