Necrons Still Winning August 40k RTT: Top Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Necrons showed up in force with a great 1st place finish at the YHP- August RTT from the weekend, as these Warhammer 40k army lists took the top!

The tournament is final, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies.

Necrons Still Winning at YHP- August 40k RTT: Top Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were all there ourselves. 

YHP- August 40k RTT top 8

3rd Place: Josh Shiben – Genestealer Cults

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Josh Shiben 2


Josh Shiben 3

2nd Place: Aidan Barkley – Black Legion

Chaos Space Marine


Aidan Barkley 1


Aidan Barkley 2


Aidan Barkley 3


1st Place: Mathew Burgoon – Necrons

necron wal


Mathew Burgoon 1Mathew’s Necrons had a three-detachment setup featuring an Outrider led by a Chronomancer and a Command Barge. The Chronomancer allows you to buff a unit with re-rollable charges and a 5+ invulnerable save, while the Command Barge can give a unit +1 to hit and has an aura giving nearby units +1 to move and advance!

Elites bring in a Nightbringer Shard, a fantastic dense model that can demolish in melee and is hard to take out.

Fast Attacks bring in 9 Scarab Swarms to lock units up in melee and soak wounds, hopefully protecting other models in the army.

Closing out the first detachment is 6 Tomb Blades which are cheap model units that can help get in some chip damage just in case it’s needed.

Mathew Burgoon 2

The second detachment is a Vanguard led by a Technomancer, who can fly and heal units each turn thanks to his Cloak.

Elites bring in 12 Skorpekh Destroyers, which are fantastic melee threats with decent durability. There is also a Transcendent C’tan which is again a fantastic melee threat.

Mathew Burgoon 3

Closing out the list and third detachment is, of course, the Silent King. He is simply the best model in the Necron roster. he has it all. Decent shooting and melee, fantastic support abilities, and a durable statline. Everything this guy brings, you want in your Necron armies.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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