NEW 40k RULES – How Do You Field Captain Centos?

By Rob Baer | May 29th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

space marine walpaper big

Hobbyists all over North America are scoring the new Captain Centos model this weekend, but there may be one little problem – how do you field him?

A lucky hobbyist sent this picture in to Spikey Bits, notice anything missing?

captain centos rules

There are no rules for how to actually field this model. Compare these rules to the Imperial Space Marine from a few weeks back:


“One Space Marine in your army can be replaced with the Imperial Space Marine at no additional points cost”

Captain Centos is an independent character sure, but how many points is this model to field and what slot does he take up? It looks like he can be fielded in any Marine army though because of his special rule, but which one specifically?

 Made From Finecast? – New GW Captain Centos Figure

 -What say ye?


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