New 8th Edition 40k: Steamlined, Not End Times?

By Rob Baer | August 15th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Imperial Palace Terra

More rumors today about the next edition of 40k, and how GW may be scrambling to fix the game we all know and love!

First it was 6th edition dying on the vine, and now 7th edition is “too clunky”. Checkout the latest on the long and winding road to a new edition of Warhammer 40k

Industry insiders tell BoLS:

  • Look for the new edition of the Grimdark  to show up in Q2 2017.
  • The new edition is slated for arrival before summer of next year.
  • It will be a streamlined edition
  • Look for changes tailored to make the current game more accessable for new players.
  • Look for limited design elements to migrate from Age of Sigmar to the new edition.
  • This will NOT mean the Sigmarification of 40K, only a carefully selected set of rules organization decisions to make learning and playing much easier than things are now.

Follow along with the 8th Edition Rumors:

bright marine ultra

BoLS is reported previously:

  • The new edition is well underway.
  • Look for a rules trimming edition.
  • There is an internal understanding that 7th’s rules have gotten too weedy and wild for it’s own good.
  • GW is taking it’s time and wants to get the new edition perfect right out of the gate – with no rules-tweak releases down the road.
  • The art is to cut just the proper amount, neither too little nor too much.
  • The new edition will not be coming in 2016, there is far too much work to go.

Source: Sad Panda

In response to the question;

Thousand Sons only need one boss man. Ahriman is finecast. Magnus will be plastic.

Panda replied, and went on to say:

You’ll have a plastic Ahriman before you’ll have a plastic Magnus. Probably painted in red though.

…As I was told (though it might be nonsense), the earliest sessions to start work on a new edition led to the decision to not update (for the most part) the Tau Codex and no longer re-do older books. Apparently they actually had more thorough rule-changes for the Tau, scrapped them, but still printed loads of not-new Tau Codex books because the printers were already booked, leading to the hybrid old/new Codex that is the Tau book.

But they are definitely working on a new edition. It just won’t be released in 2016, not least (as I heard) because they want to move the story and need time for that.

So a red version of Ahriman would definitely mean of the 30k variety I would imagine:

ahirman 30k

I’m not sure how that would figure into plastic however. Now we still haven’t seen a “new” codex for Warhammer 40k yet this year right, with just additional supplements and reprints of existing rules to keep 40k players satiated.

It is possible that they will be launching a something BIG when the White Dwarf reboots in September? Maybe they will feature more store exclusives in GW stores this fall?

ahirman 30k 40k big

30k into 40k Ahriman Conversion

GW’s 2016 New Release Roadmap Roundup

I want to believe…