New Genestealer Cults 40k Rules From Shadow Throne

genestealer-cults-rules-newDon’t miss the new Genestealer Cults 40k rules Datasheets from Shadow Throne for the Reductus Sabatour and more!

We knew that Genestealer Cults were getting their time in the sun very soon and with the datasheets being inside of Shadow Throne, it’s coming up fast! Let’s check out the new 40 rules datasheets and compare them to the old ones.

New Shadow Throne Genestealer Cult 40k Rules

Shadow throne box

These were all spotted on Imgur from the Shadow Throne booklet. Let’s compare them to the old Genestealer Cults 40k rules Datasheets and see what’s changed. But first a quick glance at the army page…

Custodes rules from shadowthroneUnfortunately for Custodes players, there isn’t really anything in the army-wide ability category, GSC on the other hand does have a few abilities mentioned.


Primus rules old

Old rules

Primus rules from shadowthroneNew Rules

New Bonuses: 

  • Needle Pistol (now called the Scoped needle pistol) got +6″ range (was 12″ now 18″)
  • Bonesword (now called Cult bonesword) got +1S and +1 Damage (was user S and 1 Damage, now +1S and 2 Damage)
  • Lost Blasting Charge
  • Cult Demagogue now only works for Core units
  • Meticulous Planner now is in command phase instead of the first time after being set up

      What we don’t know:

      • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
      • Synergy with other GSC?

      Overall, Primus looks to have gotten better, assuming the points don’t go up after the full book drops in 2022. The new Meticulous Planner also just looks like a pure upgrade.


      Magus rules old

      Old rules

      New Rules

      New Bonuses: 

      • Leadership now 9 (was 8)
      • Familiars changed to wargear, no longer counts as a model.
      • Spiritual Leader changed to a defensive aura, giving 5+ FNP (instead of deny the witch to non-psyker units)

          What we don’t know:

          • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
          • Synergy with other GSC?

          Overall, Magus looks to have gotten better, assuming the points don’t go up after the full book drops in 2022. The new Spiritual Leader is probably an upgrade in most situations.


          Patriarch rules old

          Old rules

          Patriarch rules from shadowthrone

          New Rules

          New Bonuses: 

          • BS now 4+ (was 5+)
          • Strength now 5 (was 6)
          • Wounds now 7 (was 6)
          • Familiars changed to wargear, no longer counts as a model.
          • Monstrous rending claws (now called Patriarch’s claws) now has flat 2 damage (was D3)
          • Lost Blood Telepathy
          • Lightning Reflexes (now Preternatural Reflexes) now gives 4+ Invulnerable save (was 5+)
          • +1 Psychic Power manifests per turn (was 1, now 2)

              What we don’t know:

              • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
              • Synergy with other GSC?

              Overall, Patriarch looks to have gotten neutral changes, assuming the points don’t go up after the full book drops in 2022. Losing the hit roll bonus aura hurts, but gaining an extra manifest per turn is great.

              Neophyte Hybrids

              Neophyte Hybrids rules old

              Old rules

              Neophyte Hybrids rules from shadowthroneNew Rules

              New Bonuses: 

              • All Wargear now listed on the sheet, look above for details
              • Shotgun lost the unique ability

                  What we don’t know:

                  • Faction-wide rules and impact on the unit?
                  • Synergy with other GSC?

                  Overall, the Neophyte Hybrids look to have gotten slightly worse, assuming the points don’t go down after the full book drops in 2022. Cult Icon looks super helpful now. Other than that the troop’s choice seems similar to previous iterations.

                  New Reductus Saboteur Rules

                  Reductus Saboteur rules from shadowthrone

                  This new weapon Remote Explosives looks fantastic. Getting a decent amount of shots with Blast and a triple base-damage modifier against vehicles and monsters built-in, make this thing an absolute powerhouse of damage.

                  Because the damage bonus is so high, you’ll probably want this character to chip away at vehicles and monsters any time it can, as a damage potential of 18 is pretty dang high for a solo unit with a ranged attack…

                  Reductus Explosives is a unique rule because your opponent can choose to ignore it or avoid it. If they ignore it, you get to control the field and affect your opponent’s decision-making, which is powerful in a competitive scenario. If they don’t ignore it, you get a decent amount of mortal wounds for free!

                  Cloaked giving another +1 to saves while in cover is pretty big, making the Reductus Saboteur even harder to take down if you place them correctly and thanks to their decent range, it shouldn’t be too hard to do and still be effective. Additionally, Clandestine making the Saboteur un-targetable within 12″ makes abusing its own 24″ range much easier!

                  It seems like it always gets -1 to hit regardless of being in cover, which could also make this unit an absolute menace to deal with for your opponents to deal with.

                  Genestealer cults codex 9th edition

                  Look for the Genestealer Codex, and all their new 40k rules to hit store shelves soon (hopefully alongside the Custodes book). As it’s probably the next major codex release for 40k and assumed to be going on pre-order in the beginning weeks of 2022.

                  All the Newest GW Model Rumors & Previews

                  What do you think about all the rule changes? Do you think the changes are fair? 

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