NEW AD MECH – Cult Mechanicus Leaks!

By Rob Baer | April 20th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

admech wlapaper

Info on the second Ad Mech codex: Codex Cult Mechanicus has started to leak Come check it out!

First let’s catch up with the previous information on Codex Cult Mechanicus in a recap from the past few weeks.

via Atia on Bolter & Chainsword 4-8-2015

via Sad Panda on Dakka Dakka:
“As mentioned elsewhere, this summer on the 40K-side of things is mostly about the folks from Mars (but no (global) campaign), as well as a few 1-week-releases (think Necrons). And of course, the new Fantasy kicking off Q3.”via Lords of Wargaming, facebook:
April/May It’s Admech, but there will be two codices. Also tanks will be walkers.From LowG facebook
“They are not actually Admech. That codex will release later. The books will be Skatarii and Cult Mechanicus.”
“Supplements, but models as well.”

also, i’ve found this URL re-directs today

Codex: Cult Mechanicus…-mechanicus-eng

Codex: Cult Mechanicus (eBook)…echanicus-ebook

Codex: Cult Mechanicus (iPad)…mechanicus-ipad

Datacards: Cult Mechanicus…-mechanicus-eng

Atia on the Electro-Priests: 4-9-2015

we will get FULGURITE ELECTRO PRIESTS…lectro-priests

…the release schedule is skitarii > eldar > maybe dark angels (remember, we only have a Interrogator Chaplain re-direct) > Cult Mechanicus (as we have working URL’s for the Codex and Datacards)

And here is today’s latest:

via Captain Citadel 4-20-2015

Cult Mechanicus is coming. Their troops will be the Electro-priests that everyone has been raving about for weeks. From the looks of it, we’ll also finally see the Imperial robots that compliment Forge World’s existing range, and other all new exotic units.

Full AD MECH Roundup

~What do you want to see model wise from a new Ad Mech codex?