New Adeptus Titanicus Models Spotted In Crucible of Retribution

titanicus-crucibleNew Adeptus Titanicus models were spotted inside the Crucible of Retribution expansion book for the Mechanicum! Let’s take a look.

Adeptus Titanicus has been popping off lately and that means continued support by GW! The next big expansion for Titanicus is on the way, which means more rules and ways to play with your legions of knights, and apparently, this also means new models as well…

New Adeptus Titanicus Models Spotted In Crucible of Retribution

The best part is that if you want to jump into this game, the Starter Set is still available, and a pretty good value.

Warhammer Community put out a short post detailing some of the new rules for this expansion already:

Crucible of Retribution

crucible of retribution


crucible of retribution contents

This narrative expansion explores the war for the Belt of Iron, a vast region dominated by dozens of Forge Worlds, each of them sworn to the Emperor, the Warmaster, or their own independent interests.

The result seems to be a more open-ended story than before with more forces and settings included in this campaign book. The prospect for three factions fighting over objective in this area of the galaxy makes for interesting opportunities that you and a group of friends could make a campaign over.

tide of ironThis trait is one of seven coming in the expansion when it releases. This one is simple but changes up the force lists construction. Something as simple as changing the requirements or model that you forge a list out of can have a huge impact. Even when you only swap one model out for a new option a whole suite of new options and scenarios reveal themselves once you start playing.

ignis light manipleTwo new maniples allow you to organise your Titans in diverse ways. For example, there’s a light maniple that features up to five Warhound Titans and supporting banners of Cerastus Knights-Acheron, making a swift and deadly force that can get up in the enemy’s face and deal a lot of damage with flame weapons.

The Urban Warzone rule is part of a mission that makes use of a huge zone filled with smoke and fire due to constant conflict resulting in conditions that make it harder to land hits. The conditions also make it harder to vent plasma and Reactor levels advance by one extra hole during the end phase.

urban warzoneFor even more ways to play, you can use the new Echoes of Glory rules. These give you loads of new missions to try – 15, in fact, set across three different types of world, each with their own special rules designed to reflect the environment they’re fought in.

All of these make for a more brutal warzone that is a little more punishing and volatile. Tactile decisions will matter more since the combat will be less effective.

New Mechanicum Knight Models Spotted

Sprues and Brews, they got a look at the new book and its contents, in which it looks like the Mechanicum Knights models were spotted for Adeptus Titanicus now as well:

The book also has rules for 4 Knight Households with a more Mechanicum vibe to them such as House Col’Khak, House Moritian, House Gotrith and House Vextrix! We also see what looks to be new Mechanicum Knight models – we don’t know if they will be resin or plastic, but they look amazing!

Iron triumph MechanicumThe first of the two we get to check out is this Knight Styrix from House Malinax. This knight is sporting a ranged and melee option ready for any fight in the Crucible.

scoin of cognus mechanicumThe second Knight (a Magaera) we get a peek at is from House Vyronii. This knight is sporting three different weapons and a head, suggesting one large kit with multiple options or separately boxed kits.

Currently, there is no way to tell if they are resin or plastic for sure, but we do know that they are coming and new models are always exciting!

You can check out more on the new Titancius Expansion in Sprues & Brews review below:

What do you think about some of the prospects in this new expansion? Do you play Titanicus? Do you want some of the Mechanicum Knights?

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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

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Andrew Schrank

Job Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.