New Age of Sigmar 3.0 Battletomes FAQs Released

new-faq-behemat-sisters-hedonitesGW just released all the Age of Sigmar 3.0 Battletomes FAQs, get ready to see how your army is changing in the new edition!

With the new edition basically here, it’s time to see what new rules we have! We’ll highlight some of the big changes, but since every single faction received an update, we can’t go into everything. If you want to download everything you can check them all out here.

A ton of changes are coming to the game, so even the most recent Broken Realms books are receiving errata. Some of the biggest changes are coming to the Endless Spells and faction terrain for each army, so if you love just throwing them around like crazy, they are a lot different.

Just to note, we’ve already seen all the point changes, these are more errata, and changes to the warscrolls for terrain and Endless Spells Let’s get into the changes!

New Age of Sigmar 3.0 Battletomes FAQs Released

Age of Sigmar FAQ 2Since these are errata, there are some about how your units and abilities will work in the new edition. One above is just an example with a change to how the Bad Moon moves across the board. Though, they aren’t the main focus of the errata.

Age of Sigmar FAQ 3The biggest changes coming for everyone though are the endless spells. The new warscrolls in the errata take precedence over the old ones. This makes sense since the spell side of things seems to have received the biggest changes overall.

Age of Sigmar FAQ 4


Age of Sigmar FAQ 5Next, all the Faction Terrain are being replaced by the new scrolls in this errata. So while the units aren’t changing too much this time around, the terrain is receiving the same treatment as the endless spells. Any faction with terrains probably needs to go check out all the changes.

Every Faction is Changing

Age of Sigmar FAQAs we said, everything is receiving an errata so, be sure to go download yours here. Now go get reading about how your army is changing so you’re up to date with the new edition!

Are you excited about the new edition? Have you looked over the changes yet? 

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