New AoS Beastclaw Raiders Battletome – SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | July 27th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the HOT new battletome for Age of Sigmar that’s sure to make players out there hungry for more! The Ogor Beastclaw Raiders are sweeping down from the mountains, come see!

If you like BIG monsters, and the AoS setting, you may find this new army hard to resist! Plus the new book is getting the new AoS battletome treatment as well with TONS of new rules that have had players on the edge of their seat!

Source: Scanner

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Key Highlights:

  • New Style (Generals Handbook) Battletome
  • 10 Warscrolls (Probably reprints?)
  • 8 Warscroll Battalions
  • New Abilities, traits and artefacts as well.
  • Plus all new art, background on the Ogors and more!

This Week’s New Release Line-up:

Releases August 6th
Beastclaw Raiders Mournfang Pack $65
Beastclaw Raiders Stronehorn $58
Beastclaw Icewind Assault $215
Battletome Beastclaw Raiders $33

Here’s the current unit point breakdown, via the General’s handbook:

beastclaw units


“Future Proofed Indeed”

The Ogres we super fun when they launched over 10 years ago, and now being the third out of the AoS reboot gate they should get tons of fresh new abilities and gear for fighting in the mortal realms. But will it be enough?

warhammer statue hq gw

GW Release Roadmap: The Next 6 Months?

Go, Go, Ogor Raiders!