GW Previews More AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Crusades

Armies-on-Parade-AoS-cities-of-sigmar-titleMore new AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer previews are here, this time with renders of armor and shields- check it out!

People have been asking for this for a really long time now, and even though these are just renders, it’s really nice to see Games Workshop coming out with them! If you want to see some of the weapons they will be using, you can check those out here!

New AoS Cities of Sigmar Dawnbringer Previews From GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled a decent amount of pieces, just enough to give us hope! Let’s check out the previews!

Dawnbringer previews

Now we can reveal the shields and armour these people use to protect themselves in the harsh wilds beyond their walls. Seb Perbet, a senior designer at the Warhammer Studio, offered his insight into the decisions behind the designs.

“One of our main goals is to show the mindset and culture of the Cities of Sigmar in every item they’ve produced,” said Seb. “Whether it’s a breastplate, a shield, or even a bag or bottle, we want to show a certain fashion and level of craftsmanship rooted in their culture.”

They are pretty stylized and look like a great start to us. They also did this sort of preview (showing the renders of weapons and such first, with the World Eaters for Warhammer 40k (and Sister of Battle a few years before that). Then we started seeing minis about a month or so later, so this might follow the same path.

Dawnbringer previews 2

“The materials shown – such as wood, metal, cloth, and leather – are all chosen and rendered to make the Cities feel relatable compared to the other factions of the Mortal Realms,” Seb explains. “The overall silhouettes are simple, with many straight lines and robust proportions, showing the users are resolute, determined, and sturdy.”

This looks pretty classic for the faction, so it’s nice to see them keeping with the aesthetic while updating it to the new edition.

Dawnbringer previews 3

“Within this austere silhouette, there are more ostentatious details, which tells us many of these people are proud and wealthy too. We’re carefully setting a level of wear and tear that communicates they’ve been through storms and battles – these soldiers are exhausted, but still standing.” 

Of course, they would have awesome Sigmar inlays on their armor! Again, this is just the beginning, but we hope to see more soon!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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