New AoS FAQs for Everything & Forge World Warscrolls!

new-aos-3.0-faqWith the first two books almost here GW dropped AoS 3.0 FAQs for everything and even updated the Forge World Warscrolls.

We had a full FAQ drop about a month ago, so this doesn’t have huge changes for most armies, but some are getting replacement warscrolls. So for those armies, it could make a big difference. Having all the Forge World stuff is pretty cool though.

We’ll highlight some of the big changes, but since every single faction received an update, we can’t go into everything. If you want to download everything you can check them all out here.

Even the most recent Broken Realms books are receiving errata, so they are definitely worth looking at to see what is changing. Let’s get into the changes!

AoS 3.0 FAQs Drop for Everything & Forge World Warscrolls



AoS FAQ 2The Horrors were one of the units to receive an entirely new warscroll in the FAQ. It looks like this will make the Horrors not as oppressive as before.

Just something to note, if you’ve never read one of the FAQs, everything in Magenta is what’s changing this time and everything else is from the previous FAQ we saw last month.

AoS FAQ 3Most armies are receiving something more like this, where there are a couple of small changes. This one for the Cities of Sigmar gives Mages of the Whitefire Court an extra spell, both to cast and what they know.

Plus, basically, every army has an update to how coalition units work.

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Forge World Warscrolls



AoS FAQ 4Every Forge World piece also grabbed a Warscroll too, so if you love playing with any of the giant minis, be sure to check out the new riles to see how your favorite units are changing! Again, you can download everything here.

All the Latest on Age of Sigmar 3.0

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