New AoS Idoneth Deepkin Leviadons Rules Are Here

By Travis Pasch | February 16th, 2022 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Idoneth Deepkin, rules, Warhammer 40k Rumors

idoneth-deepkin-book-codex-rules-aos-newThe new AoS Idoneth Deepkin Leviadons rules make your beasts beefier and more terrifying than before- check it out!

With the book coming soon, you know GW wouldn’t leave us without rules for too long. We’ve seen a ton of rules from the Fury of the Deep box, so we’ll check those out then get into the new stuff.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new rules but didn’t give away too much just yet. Luckily we have plenty of other rules to go off and the new rules are good as there were some pretty big points increases seen so far.

Let’s get into it.

New AoS Idoneth Deepkin Warscrolls Points Changes & Rules

Fury of the Deep PointsThe biggest change here is the Allopexes going up 40 points a model. The Thralls also went up 10 points for 10 models and the Reavers went up a whopping 55 points! We’ll have to see the whole book, but these are pretty big increases.

Warscrolls & Rules Changes

Idoneth Deepkin pointsThe wounds did go up, so the points there make some sense, other than that, most things stayed the same, but they did gain some damage on their weapons. So really, with the additions, the points do sort of make sense.

Idoneth Deepkin points 2Their Bravery increased by one, they have a better to hit roll, and now they just have one attack profile with 2 attacks and an added Rend. They took away the run re-roll, but make them better at hitting units that are close. So, they did get better in some ways, but 55 points is a lot, we’ll just have to see how they perform overall now.

Idoneth Deepkin points 3They got an extra Bravery and an extra inch on their blades. Other than that, they are staying basically the exact same. Still, 10 points aren’t anything crazy, so we expect them to perform about the same as they currently do.

Idoneth Deepkin Leviadons Rules

Idoneth Deepkin Leviadons Rules

If your army belongs to the Nautilar Enclave, you’ll be able to field Akhelian Leviadons as Battleline units – because the only thing better than one Leviadon is a whole bale* of them. It’s a very cool new way to build an army – in fact, an enterprising Soulraid could cram as many as three of these not-so-gentle giants into a 2,000-point list.

This ability makes the Leviadon truly a turtle for all seasons – munch through enemy hordes using its Crushing Charge, before taking huge bites out of Monsters and Heroes by boosting its Rend with a Crushing Assault. These chelonian champions can land over 20 damage in a single round of attacks – and that’s before the aelves on their back get involved!

A -3 Rend is really powerful, plus with the ability to take 3 of these in a list, they can smash through the enemy. 20 Damage in one round of attacks is nothing to sneeze at, let’s just hope the rest of the entry lives up to the hype!

Do you like the new Idoneth Deepkin rules so far? How do you think they will perform in the new edition? 

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