New AoS Rules for Stormcast Eternals SPOTTED!

The Stormcast Eternals Battletome release is right around the corner. Come take a look at some of the new rules you can expect to see in the new book.

People are already starting to get their copies of the new Battletome, and some pictures have just been spotted, let’s take a look.

via Allornone on TGA Communty:

Knight-Azyros Battlescroll

Stormcast Rules

The Knight-Azyros is a new model coming out for the Stormcast Eternals, and honestly, his stats are looking really nice. 3+ save, 12″ move, 5 Wounds, 4 attacks with a 3+ hit and wound roll with a -1 rend, could you really ask for more? Well apparently you can… His abilities include flying, re-roll hit rolls of 1 during the shooting phase against enemy units within 10″, and then there’s the Light of Sigmar. Once per battle this unit can perform this ability, allowing you to pick an enemy unit and prevent it from moving, piling in, or charging during your turn. Additionally, and unit within 8″ of the Knight-Azyros when The Light of Sigmar is cast suffers D3 mortal wounds, unless it’s Chaos, they suffer D6, ouch.

Mystic Lights

Stormcast Rules

Mystic Lights is a D3 ability for any Lord-Castellant, Lord-Veritant, or Knight-Azyros model. This is an additional ability and does not take the place of any abilities already attached to the model.

Stardrake & Glyph-Charger Traits

Stormcast Rules

These are additional traits for the Stardrake & Gryph-Charger. Roll a D6 and match it up to the table to find out your trait. However, the Glyph-Charger has the ability to re-roll the dice whenever he runs.

Steeds of the Celestial Realm

Stormcast Rules

Steeds of the Celestial Realm is a chart of added abilities for a Stormcast Hero on a mount. Only 1 mount per Warscroll Battalion can have one of the additional traits, so choose wisely.

Prayers of the Stormhosts

Stormcast Rules

Prayers of the Stormhosts are special abilities for Stormcast Priests. Roll a D6 and note the Prayer that matches up on the table provided. These range from unbinding spells, transporting enemy troops up to 24″ away from their current position, to additional attacks. It all just depends on how you roll.

Treasured Standards

Stormcast Rules

These are nice little bonus for Stormcast Heros bearing a Totem. These are additional abilities and do not replace the existing ability the Totem already had.

Allegiance Abilities

Stormcast Rules

The Battle Traits table is a list of abilities for Armies with the Stormcast Eternals allegiance. The Command Traits table is going to be a command ability for the general of a Stormcast Eternals army, it must also carry the Hero keyword. Roll a D6 and note the matched ability in the chart provided.

This is sure to be just the beginning of content from the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome. Keep checking back with us, we’ll be posting more updates as soon as we get them.

More on the Stormcast

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”