Even more goodies look to be on the way for Chaos’ Slaves To Darkness faction in Age of Sigmar. Check out what was just spotted!
It’s definitely an exciting time to be a Slaves to Darkness fan. With all-new models previewed, a Start Collecting, AND a new Hero coming, these forces of Chaos are going to look stunning on the table. But it looks like there might be more in store than we previously thought.
Original Slaves to Darkness Support Rumors
We’ve been following these product release/pricing lists for a while and have since been found to be accurate (given GW official previews). But looking at the Slaves to Darkness stuff, we only thought we were getting a Battletome, Warscroll cards, a Start Collecting Box, and a few endless spells. But there’s certainly more!
Check out what was spotted on Imgur listed as coming from the same folks that made the Sylvaneth Awakened Woods, Ogor Mawpot, and Ossiarch Bonereaper Terrain kits
See the Varanspire Terrain kit- Fountain? If we know anything about Chaos, it’ll probably be a dark cobblestone monument flowing with blood. But the two kickers here is that Slaves are getting even more minis and rules than we thought. Or conversely it’s for Warcry, but either way, it still sounds dope.
Plus more Rohan support in addition to what was rumored above was also spotted coming alongside this terrain kit.
While we don’t know the details on the army beyond the cosmetics of new models, what are you hoping this terrain piece will offer in-game? Is there a particular weakness about Slaves to Darkness that the terrain piece could make up for?
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Don’t miss this rumored lineup of Games Workshop’s holiday releases along with pricing, some of which are already here!