New Armada Faction: Empire of Dust from Kings of War

Armada FeatureGet ready to take to the seas with the new Armada Faction, the Empire of Dust! The game is growing fast and full of high-seas combat!

The game is all about sea warfare set in their fantasy Kings of War world. The gameplay seems to be fast but in-depth with only 6-9 ships being used per side. The game started out with three factions, Orcs, Dwarves, and Basileans, but they are introducing a bunch of new factions from the looks of it.

They recently added two new boxsets to introduce the Empire of Dust. If you enjoy the Black Seas ruleset by Warlord Games, you’ll feel right at home here. Let’s take a look at some of the new minis.

Empire of Dust Starter Fleet: $44.99

Armada Empire of Dust


Armada Empire of Dust 2


Armada Empire of Dust 3This booster set is a great way to get into the faction. They have a much larger set where you can just basically get everything. If you haven’t really learned much about the game, you can check out the release from a few months ago here.

Let’s look at everything in the kit:

  • 1x resin War Galley
  • 1 x resin Khopeshii
  • 1x resin Soul Hunter
  • 3 Empire of Dust ship cards
  • 5 fleet reference cards
  • 7 Empire of Dust upgrade tokens
  • 3 MDF bases

Getting Started Empire of Dust Fleet: $144.99

Armada new faction
Armada Empire of Dust 5
Armada Empire of Dust 4Might as well go big! You get a large number of ships in this new release, all the more ways to destroy your enemies. In this bundle you basically get every new mini coming out in the initial launch. Here’s everything in the set:


  • Core rules for playing Armada
  • Additional rules for adding weather and terrain
  • Optional Wind Rules
  • Background and lore
  • 10 action-packed scenarios
  • Reference sheets
  • Cardboard tokens and templates



  • 1x Resin War Galley
  • 1 x Resin Khopeshii
  • 1x Resin Soul Hunter
  • 3 Empire of Dust ship cards
  • 5 fleet reference cards
  • 7 Empire of Dust upgrade tokens
  • 3 MDF bases


  • 1x Resin Khopeshii
  • 1x Resin Dust Chaser
  • 2x Resin Slave Squadron (4 ships total)
  • 4 Empire of Dust ship cards
  • 4 MDF bases

That does it for this one! Just some super cool new ships for a really fun game.

Get Your New Armada Faction Here!