The Angels are Death are coming, and they are aiming for your wallet! Checkout these very tantalizing release rumors.
via Steve the Warboss 5-4-2015
Chapter-specific Boxed Sets coming alongside new Space Marine Codex:-Ultramarines Sternguard Squad
-Raven Guard Assault Squad
-White Scars Bike Squad
-Salamanders Devastator Squad
via RR on 5-2-2015
“June 13th sees new Adeptus Astartes Codex release with two vehicle boxes. New land raider command variant included and new rhino command variant. Ornate design on additional armour plates etc. More marine kits to follow.
The codex sees predators/whirlwinds/indicators as 1-3 options. No surprise.
The codex sees land raider squadrons and huge bonus to ignoring damage when part of them.”
After codex Craftworld, seeing the older Marine vehicle vehicles move to squadrons is not surprise. Forge World has been making command variants of the Land Raider and the Rhino for years now (see below)
With a rumored release date of June 13, this would appear to fit right in front of the rumored WFB 9th Edition reboot.
GW sure seems intend on jam-packing as much high interest 40K items as they humanly can in their end of year Q4 right before the WFB re-launch.
It’s been awhile since we had chapter specific releases for just plain ‘Astartes’. I hope this patter holds true for Chaos!
Space Marine Roundup
~This may just be another miniatures home run!