New Avatar Legends RPG Is Breaking Kickstarter

avatar KSThe new Avatar Legends Role Playing Game is basically breaking Kickstarter with the amount of money it’s raising!

At the time of writing this (we’re sure it will change in the next 5 minutes) the project has already raised over 2.3 million dollars!

Which for a tabletop style game is just insane, not to mention the project has literally just started. With still about a month to go, who knows how high this could go. If you want to go check out the project for yourself, you can here.

Avatar Legends feature r

This is an interesting crossover because of the insane popularity of Avatar, who knows? It might bring a whole new wave of players to the genre. Let’s take a closer look at the game!

New Avatar Legends Role Playing Game Breaking Kickstarter

Avatar LegendsThis is the featured pledge, and you basically get everything for $75 which isn’t bad when you consider you will also be getting an insane amount of stretch goals. Let’s hear a little more about the game:

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Avatar Legends: The RPG includes setting information seeded with plot hooks for your game, numerous playbooks representing the archetypes of heroes fans love from the television shows, a full set of custom mechanics for adventuring across the Four Nations, an adventure to get you started on your journey, and much more. Delve into the Four Nations like never before in an immersive role-play experience that challenges you to find balance in a world in desperate need of heroes. Yip yip!

Avatar Legends2The game looks super fun and with this many people backing it, you’re sure to have someone to play with! Basically, anything Avatar does well (maybe other than the movie…) so it’s not really a surprise to see this, but we’ll have to see just how high this project can go.

The Rise of Popularity

Avatar Legends 3Does this really have to do with the game? Not really but it’s so cool to see things like this hit the mainstream. Even a Dutch Olympian, Kiran Badloe, sported the haircut on way to his gold. It also made sense he did it in windsurfing, because how could anyone even come close to harnessing his wind powers?

Anyway, if you’ve been looking for a new game, this might be the project to back as they’ve already hit all their stretch goals and will surely be coming up with more. 

Have you backed the project yet? Are you excited about the game?

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