New Batman & Harry Potter Models From Knight Models!

Harry Potter Knight ModelsKnight Models is always coming out with the coolest minis based on series we love. This month get your fix with some awesome Batman and Harry Potter Models!

We all remember the first time we saw the movies or read the book. Now play through the early years of the story with these great new minis! The hobby maniacs at Knight Models have really outdone themselves with this new set!

Don’t worry, if you’re not a Potter fan, they also have a couple of new Batman models for you to feast on. All of their models always have tons of detail and are super fun to use on the tabletop. Let’s dive into the models!

Harry Potter Models

Professor Quirrell: $15.29

Professor QuirrellThe first of the ill-fated Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. He tried to prove how powerful a wizard he was, but we all know how that turned out for him…

Harry Potter First Year: $43.35

Harry Potter Knight ModelsThe group all together as a bunch of youngins. Relive the first book and movie with this happy bunch. Who could ever forget their first time at the 9 3/4 platform? If you love Knight Models, go see what else they have to offer. 

Batman Miniatures

Soldiers of Fortune Reinforces: $24.91

batman-miniature Knight Models 3When mission becomes dangerous and our victory is at stake our reinforcements will be ready to act. No matter what situation we face our army always has the right tool for the job.

Malicia: $24.91

batman-miniature Knight Models 2Just look at her right arm! She can punch through walls and save any mission with her power and grace! Maybe more power than grace, but hey, sometimes brute strength is the best option.

Infiltrator OP: $24.91

batman-miniature Knight ModelsWhen you need to sneak in and take out the enemy she is the perfect operative. Together they can accomplish almost any mission!

That does it for the new models from Knight Models for now. Fear not, they are always coming out with new stuff and more will be here soon!

Knight Models New Releases