New Batman Miniature Game Sets Coming Soon!

batman the miniature game featureThere are two new Batman Miniature Game sets coming soon from Knight Models that are full of amazing minis- check it out!

Whether you’re looking for heroes or villains, Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of DC minis is starting to get insane, so basically, any character that’s your favorite, they have it. These releases will up your model count and one is even a tournament pack that will add a new wrinkle to the game called Bat-Match. Then, the other set is all about the new Batman movie!

Even if you don’t play the game, they are really cool models and just so iconic. It’s always fun to play and hobby on some of your favorite characters. Let’s stop talking and jump into the minis!

New Batman Miniature Game Sets Coming Soon!

batman the miniature gameLet’s hear what they have to say about the new set:

Today we present to you a new add-on for the competitive Batman Miniature Game, the Bat-match! It will be a tournament pack available exclusively for stores and distributors, to make the Batman Miniature Game tournaments more interesting and fun!
For now, we reveal two of the models that the Bat-match contains as prizes. You can now inform your favorite stores of this next release, and all of you who want these incredible models, you know what to do… prepare your bands for future tournaments!

batman the miniature game 2This is the other set on the way, here’s what they have to say about this one:

We are sure that almost all of you have already watched the new ‘The Batman’ movie, we hope you liked it as much as we did!
For this reason, we believe that today is a good day to show you one of the main models of the new starter box for Batman Miniature Game 3rd edition, which can’t be other than… The Batman
That does it for this one, now go learn about some amazing new set!

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