Battle Foam New Inserts Work With Kill Team Into the Dark

Kill Team into the Dark featureBattle Foam has just added a bunch of precut Kill Team Into the Dark foam inserts to their store- check it out!

Tired of cutting out foam inserts to fit your favorite minis? Battle Foam has you covered! They have some amazing army-specific inserts that fit perfectly with the most popular minis out there. This time we are looking at a lot of their great Kill Team stuff.

You can decide which layers you want depending on your side of the box or get enough for both armies included. Plus, they made certain ones to fit in the box, meaning you can just carry everything around in the big box.

Their inserts are extremely well made and make transporting minis easy. It may be time to stop trying to make your own butchered inserts and grab some of these! Let’s check them out.

P.A.C.K. 352 Molle Kill Team Into the Dark Load Out: $169.99

Kill Team into the DarkThis tray is perfect for holding everything for your new Kill Teams. We’ll show you everything that these hold, but if you want to see all the specs, be sure to check them out on the site. 

Kill Team into the Dark 2Obviously, this is a little more expensive because you also get the pack itself, but worry not, they have just the foam as well.

40K Kill Team Into the Dark Box Foam Kit: $48.99

Kill Team into the Dark 3This is cool as it just fits into the box, so it’s perfect to take around to games! However, if you just want one foam insert for one army or the other, they also have those. They even just have the terrain inserts as well, so pretty much anything you could want.

Kill Team into the Dark 4

This two-tray kit has all the space you need for both Kill Teams, all of the terrain, and even the dice, cards, and tokens!  Just place the board and book underneath the two foam trays, slap the lid on, and you are good to keep this in its original box to set on your shelf or take to your LFGS.

If you love Battle Foam, check out what else they’ve been releasing lately. That does it for this one. Now go get your new inserts!

Click Here to Get Your Foam Inserts!