NEW BITS: X-Terra Marine Hero on Bike

By Rob Baer | December 21st, 2015 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Checkout the new X-Terran Marine Hero on Bike from Titan Forge Miniatures, the folks that brought us the X-Terra Kickstarter!

Via X-Terra

Hero On Bike Kit 23€

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This resin set contains enough parts to make Hero on Bike model:

1 x Terra Bike
1 x Terra Biker Hero Head
1 x Terra Bike front wheel
2 x Terra Bike side guns
1x  Terra Biker left hand
1x  Terra Biker right hand
1x  Terra Biker hammer
1x  Terra Biker Shield
1x Base

Scale: 28mm , Master model sculpted by Daniel Wysocki

Pretty great look alternate models starting to become available over on Titan Forge’s website from their website.