New Black Canary From Knight Models!

batman back to gothamIt’s almost time to get wild with the new Black Canary from Knight Models! If you love powerful ladies, this is going to be for you.

Whether you’re looking for heroes or villains, Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of DC minis is starting to get insane, so basically, any character that’s your favorite, they have it. This release is the perfect example of that!

The new miniature is based around a lesser-known (to the general fan, don’t worry, not you) but a loved character. Plus, who hasn’t wanted to play with more ladies from the Birds of Prey?

The mini is so cool, that even if you don’t play the game, it could be worthwhile to have just show off. But if you haven’t played yet, you should, it’s super fun and definitely worth a try. Let’s stop talking and jump into the mini!

New Black Canary From Knight Models!

Black Canary“Ok, let them hear about the Black Damn Canary”. We proudly present you Black Canary, one of July´s new releases. 

She got her start as the driver for the crime lord Roman Sionis, but that didn’t last too long as she eventually fought back against his cruelty. Luckily Harley was there to help. She has the ability to Sonic Scream, meaning if you get close, you better watch out! After her final confrontation with Sionis, where she killed him, she then decided to join the Birds of Prey full-time. She is part of their July releases, so she’ll be seen on tabletops soon near you.

Even if you don’t play her with the other Birds of Prey, she will really make an impact in your forces. If you love what Knight Models are up to, check out what else they have going on.

That does it for this one, just another great model coming to a really fun game!

Learn More About Canary Here!