New Black Library: Gotrex & Felix, Beast Arises, & More

Ork Feature

More great books are here from the authors at GW this week, as Gotrex & Felix, The Beast Arises, and more headline the lore side of things.

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus ebook: $19.99


Come and learn the tale of these unsung heroes of the Empire in this new eBook edition!

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere inbetween, and depends entirely on who you ask…

Relive the early adventures of the Slayer and his human companion. From the haunted forests of the Empire to the darkness beneath the Worlds Edge Mountains, Gotrek and Felix face demented cultists, sinister goblins and a monstrous troll. In the city of Nuln, they get involved in an invasion by the sewer-dwelling skaven. And in the frozen north, an expedition to the lost dwarf hold of Karag Dum brings Gotrek and Felix face-to-face with a dread Bloodthirster of Chaos…

Trollslayer, Skavenslayer, Daemonslayer & Death and Glory by William King
A Place of Quiet Assembly by John Brunner
Blood Sport by Josh Reynolds
Kineater by Jordan Ellinger
Mind-Stealer by C L Werner

Also includes a Gotrek & Felix Gazetteer, a guide to the characters and locations of the series

Judge of the Wastes: $3.99BLPROCESSED-JudgeOfTheWastes

Come and read this tale of shadows and how one man’s decision came back to haunt him literally!

On the world of Solennes, the battle between the forces of the Imperium and the heretics has become a stalemate of seemingly eternal artillery bombardments. The land is devastated, and the attempts to gain ground by either side end in disaster. Morale is low, and when Trooper Arehn is caught apparently fleeing the front lines, Commissar Selander does not hesitate in condemning him to a very public execution. When Selander starts to see Arehn after his death, he follows the apparition, wracked by doubts – but what will he find?

Written by David Annandale. Running time 23 Minutes. Performed by Tom Alexander, John Banks, Cliff Chapman, Matthew Hunt and Joe Shire.

The Beast Arises Volume 1 ebook: $19.99

BLPROCESSED-The-Beast-Arises-Omnibus-Vol1-cover (1)Come and see if the Imperium can stem the tide of a massive Ork invasion in this new eBook.

It is the thirty-second millennium, and the Heresy War is but a distant memory. After centuries of peace, the Imperium is thrown into panic as worlds everywhere are menaced by orks. In a relentless tide of slaughter, ork attack moons destroy planet after planet with gravity weapons of unstoppable power. On Terra, the High Lords are paralysed by the scale of the threat, and fail to take any effective action. With entire Space Marine Chapters missing or destroyed, does anyone have the will and the power to rise to the Imperium’s defence?

I Am Slaughter by Dan Abnett
Predator, Prey by Rob Sanders
The Emperor Expects by Gav Thorpe
The Last Wall by David Annandale

These upcoming releases are going to be a must for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library and check back next week for the latest.