New Black Library: Horus Heresy, Nighthaunt, & Sisters

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaosNew releases are on the way for Horus Heresy & Nighthaunt that are headlining the lore side of things this week from Black Library!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Saturnine (HardBack)

saturnineThe Traitor Host of Horus Lupercal tightens its iron grip on the Palace of Terra, and one by one the walls and bastions begin to crumple and collapse. Rogal Dorn, Praetorian of Terra, redoubles his efforts to keep the relentless enemy at bay, but his forces are vastly outnumbered and hopelessly outgunned. Dorn simply cannot defend everything. Any chance of survival now requires sacrifice, but what battles dare he lose so that others can be won? Is there one tactical stroke, one crucial combat, that could turn the tide forever and win the war outright?

Written by Dan Abnett

Lady of Sorrows

lady of sorrowsIn the deathly realm of Shyish, the Twinned Towns of Westreach and Eastdale exist on the edge of annihilation. Once in each generation, the hosts of Lady Olynder rise from their tombs to slaughter the towns’ inhabitants, and for centuries the nighthaunts have been turned back, but only after the fiercest of battles. Now, the wizards in the ancient Belvegrod lighthouse have deciphered a prophetic vision that offers a chance to break the curse placed upon the city. The hero Jahangir is fated to lead a desperate mission against the Mortarch of Grief and free his people from this menace once and for all. But is Jahangir equal to the ordeal before him? Can the courage of mortals stand against the undying malice of the Lady of Sorrows?

Written by C L Werner

Mark of Faith (PaperBack)

mark of faithWith the birth of the Cicatrix Maledictum the Imperium of Mankind suffers as never before. Conflict and corruption is rife on every front and precious little hope remains, save for those who hold to their faith when faced with destruction…

Denied a martyr’s death during the battle for Ophelia VII, Sister Evangeline of the Order of Our Martyred Lady is blessed with a new and grave duty; to embark on a pilgrimage beyond the Great Rift to recover a precious and powerful artefact – the Shield of Saint Katherine. Accompanied by the enigmatic Inquisitor Ravara, who seeks her own closure in the veiled regions beyond the Rift, Evangeline must find a way to bear the weight of this unasked-for destiny if she and her Sisters are to succeed in restoring a fragment of light to this new Dark Imperium.

Written by Rachel Harrison.

These upcoming releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library.

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