New Black Library: Iron Hands, Blood Angels & More

By Andrew Schrank | February 2nd, 2020 | Categories: Black Library, Warhammer 40k Rumors

iron hands space marine wal feirrosNew releases are on the way! Iron Hands, Blood Angels, and Imperial Fists are headlining the lore side of things this week from Black Library!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Fist of the Imperium From: $ 9.99

Fist of the imperium THE STORY
‘By their noble sacrifice is our world made mighty’

Deep within the Segmentum Solar, an Imperial Fists Honour Guard lies slaughtered upon the very world they swore to protect. The mysterious cult responsible grows in power by the day. Their malevolent tenets poisoning the hearts of Ghyre’s citizens, from its lowliest miner to its arrogant ruling class. To purge this threat, the Imperial Fists send Primaris Librarian Aster Lydorran and his tenacious brothers. These masters of siegecraft face an insurgent foe beyond any they have fought before. As dark omens proliferate, Lydorran finds himself embroiled in a battle of wits and wills with an enemy whose psychic might may surpass even his own. But this is a patient enemy, and with every passing hour, Ghyre’s doom grows closer. The stoic Sons of Dorn must leave their walls and embrace new allies, or risk unleashing the apocalypse itself upon the very doorstep of Terra.

Written by Andy Clark. Audiobook running time approx 10 hours 21 minutes. Narrated by Richard Reed

Blood of Sanguinius $ 39.99 (Audio-Book)

MephistonTHE STORY
The shrine world of Divinatus Prime has become lost to the light of the Astronomican and no ship can piece its veil. Only the Lord of Death himself, Blood Angels Chief Librarian Mephiston, has any hope of discerning the fate of this once pious world. After enacting a powerful blood ritual, Mephiston and an honour guard of his fellow Blood Angels reach the stricken shrine world to find it seized by religious civil war. Each faction fights for dominance of a potent artefact, the Blade Petrific, said to be wrought by the Emperor Himself. Yet there is more at work here than a mere ideological schism, for Mephiston believes Divinatus Prime could offer answers to how he became the Lord of Death, he who resisted the Black Rage, and possibly even a way to end the curse of ‘the Flaw’ in all Blood Angels.

Written by Darius Hinks. Running time 10 hours 38 minutes. Narrated by Richard Reed.

Faith in Iron $ 3.99 (E-Book)

Faith in ironTHE STORY
The tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus eschew the weakness of flesh, preferring to show their faith in the Omnissiah by replacing their organics with machine parts. As well as religious, this is practical – disease can’t affect the machine… or can it? On the agri-world of Dundas II, Tech-Priest Viridan Shale is dealing with a deadly outbreak brought to the world by the Death Guard. Nothing is safe as the contagion affects flesh and metal alike. With both biology and machinery under threat, she must find a way to defeat the plague and survive. The arrival of Iron Hands Space Marines – who similarly strive to overcome the weakness of flesh – may prove key to the world’s salvation… if they are willing to aid Shale and her allies.

Written by Cameron Johnston

These upcoming releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library.