New Black Library: Thanquol, Vaults of Obsidian & More

By Andrew Schrank | November 17th, 2019 | Categories: Black Library, Warhammer 40k Rumors

iron hands ad mech wal horNew releases are on the way!  Thanquol & Boneripper, Vaults of Obsidian, and Ghosts of Iron are headlining the lore side of things this week from GW!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Thanquol & Boneripper From: $ 17.99

Thanquol & Boneripper

Grey Seer Thanquol is without a doubt (in his mind) the greatest nemesis of the Slayer, Gotrek Gurnisson and his companion Felix Jaeger. He, and his stalwart Rat Ogre bodyguard, Boneripper, have engaged in innumerable nefarious schemes and adventures across the World-That-Was, including claiming the deadly artefact known only as Wormstone to poison the city of Altdorf, the assassination of the Prophet of Sotek in a foreign land of giant lizards and endless jungle, leading an army against the dwarfs of Karak Angkul and unintentionally finding themselves body-swapped. Will Thanquol find victory at long last, or will the incompetence of his underlings hold him back yet again? Find out in this omnibus of three novels and two short stories exploring the greatest triumphs of the Grey Seer.

Written by C L Werner

Vaults of Obsidian From: $ 16.99

Vaults of Obsidian

For uncountable ages the Blackstone Fortress has kept its watchful silence. It patiently waits, willing those brave enough to gamble everything exploring its halls. Only the most determined of adventurers will return with riches – the unworthy are never seen again. But to many, the rewards far outweigh the risks. Among the denizens of Precipice, ratlings, robots, and rogue traders all pursue their own agendas, pitting themselves against the myriad forces of darkness that have claimed the fortress as their own. Deadliest of all is Obsidius Mallex, who aims to twist another Talisman of Vaul to Chaos’ unholy cause. Unless this traitor is stopped, the galaxy will burn beneath the wrath of the Ruinous Gods.

Ghosts of Iron $ 3.99 (E-Book)

Ghosts of iron

On the world of Sareme, the dream of Mars is dead. Forge-temples have been destroyed, and the tech-priests who watched over the world are dead – all but one. Magos Calliope Vartothex lives still, and leads a ragged band of injured and desperate followers, united by a single desire: to survive. In the ravaged desert wastes outside Forge Avarna, they find salvation – a deactivated Titan of the Iron Kings. If they can bring it under their control, Calliope and her comrades may still achieve victory. Yet Fury of Mars has its own machine-soul, and may not be so easily swayed…

Written by Marc Collins

These upcoming releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library.