New Blood Bowl Nobbla Blackwart Announced by GW!

Blood Bowl Nobbla featureNobbla Blackwart is making a glorious comeback to Blood Bowl with a resin mini from Forge World- here are the details!

It’s always cool to see classic models make a comeback with that old-school look still intact! The original model was released all the way back in 1994, so it’s about time for him to get an update. If you want to get all the nostalgia feels, it’s going to be hard to top this mini.

New Blood Bowl Nobbla Blackwart Announced by GW!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new mini, along with how you’ll be able to score it. Let’s take a closer look!

Blood Bowl Nobbla

A capering Goblin with perhaps the least subtle secret weapon in the entire history of Blood Bowl, Nobbla Blackwart has been on the scene for nearly three decades.*

Nobbla’s been strangely absent from the astrogranite for the last few years, leaving the chainsawing to the lesser likes of Helmut Wolf and Max Spleenripper. But you can’t keep a good gobbo down – and the OG on-field looney is back with a fabulous new resin model from Forge World and a little extra foul play.

This is not all that different from his original model! It’s been updated for the times, but we love to see them keep the spirit of the insane goblin. Just keep in mind this will be resin and from Forge World.

nobbla Blackwart

As you can see, he is not very different, and his chainsaw is almost the same as before! He even has some of the same rules from the looks of it.

He’s pretty tasty for a Goblin too – Block and Dodge make him that much harder to put down, while his unique Star Player rule is called Kick ’em while they’re down! Once per game, he can chainsaw a prone opponent without it counting as a foul – a useful way of making sure that Big Guy stays down.

Nobbla can play for Badlands Brawl and Underworld Challenge teams. He’s not the only legend of the Goblin game returning either – keep an eye out for Scrappa Sorehead, another classic grot who’ll be bounding back onto the pitch before too long.

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Are you excited to see him make a return? Will you be picking him up?

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