New Blood Bowl Release Info & Launch Exclusives

By Rob Baer | October 5th, 2016 | Categories: Blood Bowl, Warhammer 40k Rumors

blood bowl

New previews today of everyone’s favorite grid iron game from Games Workshop. Come see the latest on Blood Bowl!

Some news on Game Workshop’s upcoming redo of Blood Bowl has been seen circulating the internet. All we have to go by are some pictures from earlier in the week, but now we’re starting to see more out of the European Open Day.

Here’s the latest from that event but remember to keep your SALT shakers handy:

european open day

Source BB

– The starter box (humans vs orks) is finished, and produced. No ETA on the release yet, as it’s sales management that sets the dates, not FW/SG
– The box will contain everything you need to start – the rules (core rules are unchanged, but there will be some expanded ones too in the booklet), markers, dice, a double sided pit and two plastic teams. The sprues are green/blue and you can start to play within a few minutes.
– Next teams in plastic will be Dwarfes, Skaven and Goblins. After this they will look how sales go to decide on future plastic teams, but the plan is to do future teams in resin.
– They also want to do a plastic Troll and Ogre clampack.
– Cheerleaders, Coaches are planned 🙂
– Starplayers are in. Old and New ones. Maybe we will even get event only Starplayers.
– Special Play Cards are in too – and they are planning on doing event only ones for events and tournament goodie packs.
– No 3D pits atm – they experimented with it, but have found a better solution. Plan is to use battle mats for it, as we already have seen with the 40k and Khorne one from GW prime.
– Dark Elfs will be released sometimes next year in resin (yay!)
– Chaos Dwarfs *will* get done down the line, but not any time soon
– They will release rules for all star players and teams that ever existed, including the ones from the computer game
– The box was produced within 9 months – really fast, as usualy products of that scale have a 2 year prodution cycle
– There will be event only merchandise for Bloodbowl – t-shirt designs are done 🙂
– “Keep an eye on Facebook for an announcement”


Here are some pics of the new game. Skaven and Dwarves are coming next in plastic. The rest in resin later.

new blood bowl games workshop 2017 2016 new blood bowl games workshop 2017 2016 new blood bowl games workshop 2017 2016 new blood bowl games workshop 2017 2016

Checkout the rest of the new images and information below from the event, and past coverage!

blood bowl redo

Blood Bowl Roundup