New Champion Consul Minis On the Way to Beat Down Loyalists!

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleForge World is releasing another MK III miniature, but this time, the traitors are getting a Champion Consul for Horus Heresy.

Horus Heresy Thursday has been pretty focused on the Legions Imperialis side lately, but it’s great to get a new model for HH! The Loyalist Champion Consul came out a little while ago, so it’s nice to see the traitor side get something.

Because we don’t need the loyalists to get everything in this day and age! This will hopefully line up with the release of the new MKIII Armor Battle Group so you can get a new character for your forces.

Like the loyalist version, this will be in resin and released from Forge World!

The Traitor Champion Consul is On the Way to Beat Down Loyalists!

Here is the latest on the new Traitor Champion Consul from Forge World

Traitor Champion Consul


Though extensively modified with extra armour plates, details, and bonding studs, this Champion Consul bears the hallmarks of the new infantry suits revealed at the NOVA Open Preview last month. Known as the ‘Iron’ pattern, MkIII power armour features heavily reinforced plates on the front suitable for head-on assaults and boarding actions – a useful feature for a warrior who’ll never turn his back on an enemy.

The model looks great in the MkIII armor, and with all the reinforced armor plates, it stands out.

Traitor Champion Consul 2

His sword is functional, though the hilt matches ornaments on his pauldrons and cloak. This simplicity gives it a more threatening vibe than the fancy weapons wielded by gaudy show-offs, as its sole purpose is made clear – the casual killing of unworthy foes.

He doesn’t need to show off like those other gaudy Marines…

Traitor Champion Consul 3

Extra reinforcement can be seen all across this resin miniature, with plates, rivets, and studs enhancing the heavy, brutal look of the MkIII armour. Even the backpack sports extra panels protecting its vents, while a helmetless option is included for those who want to give their opponents a bit of a chance. 

And although he has been painted in the colours of the Sons of Horus, the Traitor Champion Consul is Legion-agnostic and may be used by any of the nine Traitor Legions.

Like most of the miniatures in the game, they aren’t specific to a particular legion, which means you can throw on your own iconography.

Don’t forget, this will be resin from Forge World, so keep your eyes peeled for the release.

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