New Chaos Marauder Coming for Warcry: Red Harvest!

warcry-cover-wal-title-new-rules rCheck out the new Warcry Chaos Marauder coming to fight his way through the Eightpoints with all eyes fixed for more on Red Harvest!

Games Workshop has revealed the second of the new minis. Honestly, this Chaos Marauder is pretty cool and could be used in a ton of armies even if you don’t want to play Warcry. 

Chaos MurauderWarhammer Community unveiled the new mini, but very little else for what to expect with the release. At least this time they did say to expect more info at the end of the month, so we know that means something on Warhammer Day. Let’s check out the new mini!

New Chaos Marauder Coming to Warcry Red Harvest!

We were hoping the video would give us a little more info, but hey, we’ll take a new mini when we can get them! If you want to see the first mini they revealed for Warcry, you can check that out here!

Chaos Murauder 2

Their spartan equipment and penchant for leather straps hearkens back to the classic Chaos Marauders of old, but these aren’t your dad’s warp-crazed killers. Slaughterborn scream fell oaths into the heavens on the eve of battle, fighting for the blessings of their patrons with every step and stopping at nothing to prove their might on the battlefield.

This mini is pretty cool and we could easily see this fitting right in for a bunch of Chaos armies. Plus, if you do play Warcry, it looks like they’ll be getting even more minis than this, which is always good news.

Chaos Marauder 3

We’ll have more information on Warcry: Red Harvest later this month, but for now we have to swear our own oath of secrecy or risk the wrath of the Chaos Gods. You wouldn’t want to find out who the Slaughterborn is leading into combat too soon, would you?

Warcry Red Harvest:

Warhammer Community recently also unveiled this new mini for what we assume may be a new Warcry Starter called Red Harvest.

Starting off with the Warcry teaser, we don’t get much other than a touch of hype with quotes and voice-over. All the details are still in the dark though. It is nice that we still got something from Warhammer Community about warcry, but it isn’t much to go off of.

warcry red harvestAn itsy-bitsy ditty echoes from the caverns – many fangs** to the Varanspire Octaves for singing us that. What does this mean for Warcry? Well, we’d love to tell you everything, but we’re in a bit of a bind. There’s a name though – Red Harvest. And it already has us itching to find out more. We’ll leave it up to you to weave together the clues. All we can say is this – make sure your warbands clear the cobwebs off their weapons and armour, because they’re in for the fight of their lives.

While there is nothing to really go off of, we know that something is coming to Warcry. A new box? Perhaps a supplement? Maybe a rules overhaul? They are all possibilities.

Warcry: Broodmaster

warcry broodmaster 3


We were hoping the video would give us a little more info, but hey, we’ll take a new mini when we can get them!

warcry broodmaster

Frankly, you wouldn’t want to meet him on a dark night on your own. You may have spotted a few clues to the Broodmaster’s identity in the video, but who is the Eightfold Watcher? And what are they watching? Our mandibles are sealed for now, but let’s take a closer look at this creepy new fighter. 

Honestly, this is a really dynamic and cool mini. It has a very unique feel, plus, even if you don’t play Warcry, it could be used for a bunch of Chaosy armies.

warcry broodmaster 2We count six limbs there, four of them holding a rather gnarly sword, which means he’s probably quite dextrous or constantly nicking himself in battle. Either way, you just know he gives the best hugs. And your eyes are not deceiving you – that really is the severed head of a giant Chaos-warped spider he’s using as a mask. 

With that many limbs, you know he’s going to dish out the serious damage! Whatever you do, don’t meet this guy in a dark alley, he might even be able to see in the dark.

Well, as we said before, they didn’t give much more info on what to expect next for Warcry Red Harvest, but Warhammer Day is only a week away!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Do you like the new mini? Will you pick it up? 

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