New Chaos Slaves to Darkness, AI, & Blood Bowl: FIRST LOOK

warhammer gw store first look

New models and rules for AoS Slaves to Darkness, BB Gut Busters, and Aeronautica Grot Bommers are going on pre-order today. Let’s take a quick first look at them.

The mainstay AoS Chaos faction lead by Archaon himself is getting updated. New spells, units, and rules are all coming out on pre-order this week. If you like Blood Bowl or Aeronautica, there are also releases for those games too!

Let’s check out all the models you can order starting on December 7th!

Warcry Unit Boxes 

Warcry doubles boxes

Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting  Slaves to darkness start collecting



Slaves new Units

std sprue 1


std sprue 2


std sprue 3


std sprue 4

Slaves to Darkness Battletome Slaves to darkness tom

Slaves to Darkness Warscroll Cards  Warscroll cards

Slaves to Darkness Endless Spells  SLaves to darkness spells

sod spell sprue 1


sod spell sprue 2

Azyrite Shattered Plaza Terrain Kit (Left)  Azyrite Ruined Chapel (Right)
azurite terrain 

Warcry Tome of Champions

Warcry 2019

Aeronautica Imperialis Orks Eavy Bommers & Grot Bombseavy bommers

bommer sprue 1


Bommer sprue 2


grot bomb sprue

Blackstone Fortress 2019 Annual

Blackstone 2019

Bloodbowl Fire Mountain Gut Busters

bb gut buster

fire mountain gut buster sprue

Spike Issue 8

spike 8

Ogre Team Dice

blood bowl ogre dice

Ogre Team Pitch & Dugouts 

ogre pitch and dugouts

Ogre Team Cards

ogre team cards

Blood Bowl Almanac 2019

spike 2019 almanac

Are you excited to get your hands on the new Slaves to Darkness models or maybe the new rulebook is more exciting? Do you play Blood Bowl or Aeronautica? Either way, this is a sweet week for most things Warhammer!

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