New Cities of Sigmar, Dawnbringers & More Pricing CONFIRMED!

Next-Week-New-cities of sigmarHere is the confirmed pricing for the new AoS Cities of Sigmar, Dawnbringers, and Black Library releases hitting pre-order this week!

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that will go up for pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, October 28th, 2023, around 1 p.m. EST.

Baron of Dice Wargaming Faction Dice Sets: $15-$32.50

Table of Contents & Article Summary

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These new hand-swirled resin dice from Baron of Dice are bubble-free, are made for wargaming, and are perfect for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k!

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Baron of Dice makes some of the best rolling accessories out there, with great collections and even the option to make your own custom dice and bags! They have dice for most 40k factions, Age of Sigmar and fantasy dice, Star Wars, superhero dice, and so much more!

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Best of all, they have free shipping to the States!

New Cities of Sigmar, Dawnbringers, & Black Library Pricing CONFIRMED!


Games Workshop is changing up how new release ordering works starting this week. Make sure you read about it here.

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Battletome: Cities of Sigmar $55 €42.50 £32.50

Battletom Cities of Sigmar

The question of how the regular people of the Mortal Realms live and wage war is answered with Battletome: Cities of Sigmar. This comprehensive battletome covers the history and background of the Cities of Sigmar, a detailed painting guide, a gallery of gorgeous miniatures, and all the rules you need to play them, including 50 warscrolls and Pitched Battle Profiles. Also included is a token board containing nine Order Rules Tokens and 32 Order Tokens.

The long wait is over; Cities of Sigmar is finally getting their update with a massive lineup of minis, too!

Battletome: Cities of Sigmar (Collector’s Edition) Web Only $90 €70 £55

Battletome Cities of Sigmar (Collector's Edition)

Ardent supporters of the Cities of Sigmar can purchase this battletome in a numbered limited edition version, which features a red ribbon marker, gold gilt page edges, and gold foil text.*

As per usual, get this while you can, or else you might miss it.

Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of The Parch $150 €120 £90

Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of The Parch

A skilled mercenary whose keen strategic mind has seen her rise through the ranks of the Freeguilds – and revolutionise them in the process – Tahlia Vedra remains first and foremost a warrior of the people. Leading from the front lines, she rides her manticore Infernadine and inspires her fellow soldiers to fight with Aqshian ardour.

What a fantastic model, and as a named character, hopefully, the rules are good enough to see this miniature hit the table often! What a home run!

Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of The Great Wheel $70 €55 £42.50

Pontifex Zenestra, Matriarch of The Great Wheel

While Tahlia encourages the troops through inspiration, Zenestra appeals to their faith in the God-King Sigmar. Uncompromising and unknowable, Zenestra is carried into battle on the back of a sacred palanquin, a curious skeletal double in tow, as her battlefield sermons whip allies into a frenzy.

As the second new named character, this should be a super strong option with unique supportive rules.

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal $60 €45 £35

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal

The Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal is a general who can galvanise even the most beleaguered soldier into action. Though they often accompany Freeguild Cavaliers on line-breaking charges, these Marshals carry the weight of the logistics of the Dawnbringer Crusades, hence all the gear.

Lead your cavalry with this fearsome leader on the front lines (and flanks!).

Freeguild Marshal & Relic Envoy Web Only $45 €35 £27.50

Freeguild Marshal & Relic Envoy

Freeguild Marshals are not just master strategists, they’re also more than handy in a fight. These veterans prefer a ground-level view of combat, sending orders down the line of battle via their Relic Envoys. The Marshal themselves has a wide array of build options, including three different heads, options for a shield in either hand and a choice of weapons.

As another separate release, this was one of the more diverse kits with plenty of hobby options for both Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40k.

Freeguild Command Corps $55 €42.50 £32.50

Freeguild Command Corps

Freeguild Marshals know how to delegate, and so call on their Command Corps, an eclectic bunch of characters each with their own specialisation. The group consists of a powerful Arch-Knight, a flag-waving Great Herald, an ever-watchful Whisperblade, a grim War Surgeon, a morbid Soul Shepherd, and their loyal Mascot Gargoylian, with a bevy of cosmetic customisation options.

Get quite a few unique minis and even some field support to boot with the AoS version of a Command Squad.

Alchemite Warforger Web Only $35 €27 £21

Alchemite Warforger 1

The Cities of Sigmar aren’t equipped with soul-stealing scythes or armour that thrums with magical lightning – instead, they make do with humble gear forged in city smithies. However, the Alchemite Warforgers can imbue base metals with powerful Chamonic energy, turning regular swords and axes into blazing weapons, and magically reinforcing shields and breastplates.

Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk $55 €42.50 £32.50

Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk

The Cities of Sigmar make great use of the Castelite formation in battlem, and the mobile watchtowers of this living fortification are Fusil-Majors riding atop Ogor Warhulks. The Fusil-major snipes enemy targets and relays their manoeuvres, while the Ogor Warhulk hefts a towering shield and hefty club to defend their allies.

Nothing quite beats the brains of a man on the muscle of an Ogor, or at least that seems to be the philosophy here!

Freeguild Cavaliers $65 €55 £40

Freeguild Cavaliers 1

The Freeguild Cavaliers are not born to their station – they prove their worth as veterans of many battles. These mounted fighters carry fine gear that they have either earned through lengthy service, or carried from their ransacked ancestral homes. This kit features a myriad of options for you to create units of uniquely majestic knights.

Charge forward with an iconic set of Cavalry; after all, every army needs some mobility options!

Freeguild Fusiliers $60 €45 £35

Freeguild Fusiliers

Although the Mortal Realms are packed with horrors beyond imagination, there is little that cannot be felled by a concentrated volley of fire from the Freeguild Fusiliers. Should a target somehow survive to attempt a retaliatory charge, this defensive line will form up behind their heavy pavises, reload, and unleash hell once more.

With some factions being so limited on the range front, factions that have it tend to be very unique in AoS.

Freeguild Steelhelms $55 €42.50 £32.50

Freeguild Steelhelms 1

Along with the Freeguild Fusiliers, the Freeguild Steelhelms make up the defensive walls of the Castelite formation. With discipline, determination, and unwavering faith in Sigmar, these humble men and women go toe to toe with hulking orruks, gibbering daemons, and undead fiends to secure their place in the Realms.

Steelhelms look like your bread and butter as a Cities of Sigmar General, so expect to see these quite a bit.

Ironweld Great Cannon $55 €42.50 £32.50

Ironweld Great Cannon

The gate of the Castelite formation is the Ironweld Great Cannon. Protected by a thick shield, this mighty artillery piece is manned by an expert crew who ensure it fires a constant barrage of cannonballs, shells, and grapeshot. Firing only ceases when the cannon wheels forward to allow Freeguild Steelhelms and Cavaliers to sally forth from within their living fortification.

A giant cannon is always welcome, especially because ranged weaponry is pretty sparse in the Age of Sigmar.

Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt $50 €40 £30

Dawnbringers Book III – The Long Hunt

The current major focus in Warhammer Age of Sigmar is the Twin-Tailed Crusade now marching across Aqshy and Ghyran. After a disastrous clash with grots, troggoths, and the Sons of Behemat, both prongs of the Crusade trudge on, bowed but not broken, in Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt.

Now powerful new allies join the Dawnbringers, as the Aqshian tail meets the Goretide, and the Ghyranite tail battles starving Ogor Gorgers. This supplement continues the epic narrative and includes rules for four new Armies of Renown and the second part of the Cities of Sigmar Path to Glory campaign with branching paths, boons, and setbacks.

Dawnbringers 3 will be an excellent book for active players or fans of the lore, as this will have updates for both groups of hobbyists.

Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt (Collector’s Edition) Web Only $80 €62.50 £47.50

Dawnbringers Book III – The Long Hunt (Collector's Edition)

Celebrate the next leg of your glorious campaign with the limited edition of The Long Hunt, which features soft-fouch full cover art with gold foil lettering, a blue ribbon marker, and gilt page edges. This edition, displaying Ionus Cryptborn and his regal steed Cthorak in all their glory, is limited to just 300 individually numbered copies.

Pick it up fast if you want it, as there are only 300 copies!

The Blacktalons $75 €60 £45

The Blacktalons

Neave Blacktalon is Sigmar’s foremost assassin, head of a specialist group of elite warriors. Neave, Hendrick the Silver Wolf, Rostus Oxenhammer, Shekinah Goldenblade, and the mysterious Idoneth Soulscryer Lorai, Child of the Abyss, are heroes who starred in the Warhammer TV show Blacktalon, now immortalised as five characterful miniatures.

Rules for using these Stormcast special operatives as a Regiment of Renown are featured in Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt, just in time for Neave’s full-length Black Library novel.

Black Libary Characters are usually awesome models, and this is no exception! Now to see how good they are on tabletop…

Cryptborn’s Stormwing $170 €140 £105

Cryptborn’s Stormwing

Ionus Cryptborn has returned in a menacing new form as the Warden of Lost Souls. Mounted atop the mighty draconith Cthorak, this living legend soars through the skies, calling down scouring maelstroms with prayers to Sigmar. This box pairs Ionus with two Stormdrake Guards – one of which can be built as a Knight-Draconis – making it the perfect start to a Draconith Skywing, a new Stormcast Eternals Army of Renown which can be found in The Long Hunt.

Ionus Cryptborn is easily one of if not the best dragon models Games Workshop has made yet! We expect this box to be quite expensive as the Stormdrage Guards are $110 alone!

The Blades of Belthanos $160 €125 £95

The Blades of Belthanos

Perched atop his Carnelian Greatspite, Belthanos is a herald of the dormant Sylvaneth God of the Hunt. The First Thorn of Kurnoth strikes from the trees, and rides out in this boxed set containing Belthanos himself, alongside three Kurnoth Hunters with a variety of weapons, and three Revenant Seekers, which can also be built as Spiterider Lancers. They make a perfect core for the new Sylvaneth Army of Renown in The Long Hunt, the Evergreen Hunt.

Just like Cryptborn, we just saw this at Warhammer Day… Who knew these were all so close to release?

Grimhold Exile Web Only $35 €27 £21

Grimhold Exile 1

When magmaholds fall, lone survivors known as Grimhold Exiles carry on their legacy. Wielding weapons imbued with the embers of their magmahold’s sacred flame, they battle on as bloody-minded agents of retribution. Some hope to found new holds, while others simply pit themselves against the toughest foes they can find.

Dwarves in AoS don’t get too much love, so being able to pick a new character as a separate release is big for players of the faction.

Harbinger of Decay Web Only $60 €45 £35

Harbinger of Decay 1

Riding withered steeds, Harbingers of Decay are morbid soothsayers who herald the arrival of Nurgle’s decaying legions. Dour and humourless, they directly invoke Grandfather’s pestilent power, saturating battlefields with rot and disease. The worst of these maladies is the Shudderblight, which causes the doubts and insecurities of its victims to manifest as weeping black boils. 

Seeing the Harbinger as a separate release is huge, considering it’s one of the most iconic Maggotkin models to date.



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Fulgrim Transfigured Direct From Forge World

Fulgrim Transfigured

Those Traitor Primarchs who gave themselves fully over to the Ruinous Powers swelled and changed with the malevolent power of the warp. Fulgrim’s metamorphosis is dramatic indeed – a serpentine daemonform with vast wings and additional arms. A deadly duellist before this transfiguration, Fulgrim is closer to perfection than ever, but still seeks to attain even greater glory in one-to-one combat.

This showstopping Forge World resin miniature is befitting for one such as the Primarch of the Emperor’s Children. His rules are contained in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Exemplary Battles of The Age of Darkness: Volume I.

As probably the best model to grace Horus Heresy, it’s inevitable some players of 40k wish this was their release instead… But good models can always be appreciated!


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Blacktalon $30


Five powerful champions of Chaos have discovered the existence of a long-buried weapon with incredible destructive power, and their plans to uncover it threaten the Mortal Realms. It is up to Neave Blacktalon and her hand-picked team of Stormcast Eternals to hunt them down. Blacktalon by Liane Merciel will be available in hardback, eBook, and audiobook formats.

These elite band of heroes-style stories are always a good read as you can identify and learn more about the specific characters than usual.

Da Red Gobbo Rides Again $9.99

Da Red Gobbo Rides Again

Beloved by gretchin everywhere, Da Red Gobbo is a symbol of revolution and freedom from the brutish tyranny of the orks. When the grots of a Blood Axe encampment fall into a malaise, the painboy Stimma realises that only the promise of Da Red Gobbo can stir them from their deep depression… and sets about creating his own using science, cunning, and some good, old-fashioned ork violence. Da Red Gobbo Rides Again by Rhuairidh James interrogates deeply held beliefs about grots and orks, and will be available in hardback and eBook versions.

As Christmas rolls back around, it’s time for everyone’s favorite Red Gobbo to return in a new BL release.

Galaxy of Horrors $17.99

Galaxy of Horrors

Life in the 41st Millennium is a constant battle of survival. In this vast setting, there are countless tales to be told, and the collection gathers 20 short stories, featuring 15 authors including Denny Flowers, Victoria Hayward, Mike Brooks, Danie Ware, and Robert Rath, in paperback or eBook.

Not sure where to start for lore? Well, compilations of short stories like this one are a great place to dive in.

Untamed Realms $17.99

Untamed Realms

In the vast and dangerous Mortal Realms, the very gods themselves battle for control of territory inhabited by civilizations and beasts beyond counting. There are as many stories to be told as there are people, and this anthology of short stories features 13 different stories by 10 different authors like Richard Strachan, Chris Thursten, Noah Van Nguyen, and David Guymer. It’s a fantastic glimpse into the wider world of the Age of Sigmar, coming in paperback and eBook.

Not sure where to start for lore? Well, compilations of short stories like this one are a great place to dive in.

Godeater’s Son $17.99, The Vulture Lord $16, Bad Loon Rising $17.99

Godeater’s Son, The Vulture Lord, Bad Loon Rising

Deepen your understanding of the Mortal Realms with three novels released in paperback for the first time. Godeater’s Son by Noah Van Nguyen, The Vulture Lord by Richard Strachan, and Bad Loon Rising by Andy Clark concentrate on less explored elements of the Age of Sigmar – the lives of those in thrall to Chaos, Death, and Destruction.

Paperback is usually the cheapest option for a physical copy, so hope on this if you’ve been waiting for any of these titles.

What do you think of the pricing and lineup for this week’s new Dawnbringers, Cities of Sigmar, and Black Library pre-order releases?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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About the Author: Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bio

Travis Pasch

Job Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!