New Color Experiments From Turbo Dork

Change The Game With Turbo Dork Colorshift PaintsCome and see some great new color experiments for your hobby toolbox that the team at Turbo Dork is whipping up for 2020, paint wise!

Turbo Dork has announced that they are doing something special this year. Let’s take a look!

Via: Turbo Dork

turbo dork logoWe are pleased to announce two new limited edition colors! Or are they?…. We have decided to try something new in 2020 as we work to expand our color base. Our current line consists of 50 metallic and turboshift paints that cover the full rainbow, and where we go from here is up to you guys.

Periodically we will be releasing fully developed color experiments for you guys to buy and try. Depending on sales and your feedback we will add those colors that do well, or people love, to our permanent line, down the line.

First up is our limited LVO capsule release of 4D Glasses and Hyper Culture. We only made 500 of these bottles with 200 of each color having already gone into the LVO High Roller / VIP bags. After selling some at our LVO booth, we have about 200 of each left. Once they are gone they are gone until/if they get added to the full line later this year.

4d glasses4D Glasses is like our best selling 3D Glasses, but with an extra dimension! Well, sorta. It is mainly more saturated and colorful, and it is also a white base paint. Meaning you can layer it over other colors and base coats, as well as it will get lighter the more layers you apply. As always we recommend testing on a sample object before painting your final figure.

Hyper CultureHyper Culture is a variation of our other bestseller, Blue Raspberry. Hyper Culture has a lot of the same color notes but is more of an “always” shifting look, vs an “either one or the other” shift. It should also be easier to apply as it is in a pigmented medium base.

If you like these colors, please let us know, and when you paint with them please tag us on social media so we can see! Thank you, everyone!

This is a great way to get some experimental colors and give some feedback on some of your favorite paints. Make sure you visit Turbo Dork and secure yours today!

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