New Daemon Rules – Formations SPOTTED!

By Rob Baer | February 7th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

daemonette close up

Come see the latest Formations and special rules for Chaos from the new Curse of the Wulfen Book!

via Games Workshop Youtube Video, transcribed by XT-1984, dakkadakka 2-6-2016

1 Herald
8 units of either Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers or Fleshhounds

All units gain +1 attack while within 6″ of one another.

All units benefit from the Heralds loci if they are within 12″ of him.

Another formation:
3 Skull Cannons, squadron, may fire as one with an Apocolyptic Blast with AP3 and still Ignores cover, ouch.

9 units of either Pink Horrors, Flamers or Exalted Flamers.

+1 Strength to all Warpflame attacks.

All units within 12″ of the Herald benefit from his Loci.

Another formation:
1 Herald
9 units of either Screamers of Tzeentch or Burning Chariots

Chariots can do Slash attacks, inflicting D6 str 5 ap 4 hits on a unit they move over. Screamers get +1 hit.

All units within 12″ of the Herald gain his Loci.

1 Herald
7 units of either Plaguebearers or Nurglings.

Enemies may not fire overwatch at units from this formation.

All units gain the Heralds Loci while within 12″.

Another formation:
1 Herald
7 units of either Plague Drones or Beasts

All units gain Hammer of Wrath with poison 4+

1 unit within 12″ of the herald may take a leadership test if they pass they can reroll failed charges and gain +3 attacks. If failed they must attempt to charge the nearest enemy.


1 Herald
6 units of either Fiends of Slaanesh or Daemonettes.

Any enemy units in combat suffer -1 WS and -1I

All units within 12″ of the herald benefit from its loci.

Another formation:
1 Herald
6 units from either Seekers, Hellflayer, Seeker Calvacade.

All units move 6″ when running or moving flat out.


An yesterday’s rumors for the new Daemons in the Curse of the Wulfen

Via  lucuiban 2-6-2015



Paradox: AP4, Combat, Once per turn you can, after rolling for a psychic power turn the dices around. So, for example a roll of 1, 3 and 5, becomes 2, 4 and 6. 25 points

Unending grimorie: Bearer knows all the powers of the change discipline. 35 points

Scourge of souls: Combat, Fleshbane, AP is equal to the I of the target. Against vehicles is AP1. 15 points

Oracle disc: Disc of Tzeenth. At the beginning of your turn choose a unit in Reserves. That unit enters the game automatically. 35 points.

“Unable to translate”: Bearer gets 3++ save, Every time bearer suffers a wound must take a Ld test. If failed is removed from game. 25 points.

Eternal staff. Combat, AP4, soulblaze or Template, S5, AP3 Soulblaze. 20 points

Psychic powers:

Primaris: Same a codex Daemons
1. Same as 1-2 from Daemon codex
2. Same as 3-4 from Daemon codex
3. Nova. S1D6, AP4, Assault 2D6 Ignore cover, warp flames
4. Invocation, 12″, with 2 WC creates a Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch, with 3WC invoke 3 flamers of tzeentch or 1 burning chariot.
5. Same as 5-6 from Daemon codex.
6. Witch fire. 18″. SD, AP1, Assault 1DP Formation:
4 DP
Every deamon must be aligned with a different God.
They get following accumulative benefits depending on how many models remain on the battlefield.
4 models: +1T
3 models: +1S
2 models: Reroll 1’s to hit
1 model: No benefit

If your warlord is one of the DP, then all of them get the same warlord trait.

Note: From now on, translations of names may not be very accurate:


A’rgath,king of swords: +1S, AP3, Specialist weapon, when fighting in a challenge always hits with 2+. 15 points

Lifetaker : AP2, Specialist weapong, 6 to wound are Instant Death, for every model killed, unit suffers 1D3 hits S3, AP4. 15 points

Crimson Crown; All Khorne Daemons at 8″ get +1A. 40 points

Skullcutter: AP2, Specialist weapon, 6 to hit are SD.30 points (THAT ONE IS DAMN GOOD).

Khartoth, the blood thirsty: +1S, AP3, If a model suffers an unsaved wound remove it from the game. At the beginning of the model controller’s turn roll a D6. With 4+ the model comes back to play via Deep strike, at 12″ or less from the point it was removed from game.

Armour of something: 3+ Armour save, Adamantium will, -1S to when attacking its bearer.

Nurgle Artifacts:

Grotti, the nurgling (40 points): -1T to all non-Daemon of Nurgle model at 6″

Corruption (25 points): Combat, wounds automatically, always get a glancing hit if roll to penétrate

Putrefaction horn of Nurgle (35 points): At the end of the combat phase, créate a Plaguebearer for every model killed by the Bearer of the horn.

Epidemy (20 points): +1S, Combat, Specialist, Every time a model is killed with this weapon, unit must take a T test. If failed, the unit suffters a wound (no armour or cover saves allowed)

Bell of the end of the world (30 points): Instrument of Chaos. All enemy units get -1L

Death head of Duque Olaks (15 points): One use only. 12″, S1, AP4, Assault 1, Poisoned 2+, 5″ blast


Thanks Dakkites, these rules are starting to point to a pretty decent little Chaos Releases as well.  I can’t wait to put all the pieces together soon!

Curse of the Wulfen New Rules Roundup

(Click for info throughout the day)

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Wulfen Are People Too – Long War Episode 37