New Darkstar Molten Metals Paint Available in USA!

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The Darkstar Molten Metals paints are some of the best out there, and thanks to ImpendingDuff, you can get them in the USA!

We usually know Duff for the great painting tutorials, but he also has quite a big store full of great supplies. So, if you want to check out his painting tutorials, you can check those out here.

ImpendingDuff StoreThese paints have received glowing reviews, but sometimes (pretty much always), they can be hard to find in the USA, well before Duff grabbed distribution. Last time we check out the singles, this time, we’ll focus more on the bundles as well as the singles!

Sometimes you can find them on eBay and Amazon every once in a while, but it’s not very consistent. So, it’s fantastic to have a source for them here in the states!

New Darkstar Molten Metals Paints Bundles Available in the USA!

Darkstar Molten


Darkstar Molten 2There are four pages of the paints (with plenty of singles), so way more than we are even showing here. Plus, for the price, these are just hard to beat for NMM or metal paints. So be sure to check the store for everything, but we’ll look at some of our favorites below!

Darkstar Molten Metals EXPANSION SET 1: $35.99

Darkstar Molten set

Coming to the US exclusively via ImpendingDuff, the long-anticipated and sought-after high-end metallic line of acrylic paints from Darkstar. 

Grab the full set of Molten Metals FIRST EXPANSION in one handy bundle at a discount from individuals.

Developed originally for the wargaming and fantasy modeling market, we believe that these water-based metallic acrylics are a great addition to your armory of paints for any modeling genre.

Darkstar Molten Metals are permanent when dry, and there is no need for gloss varnishing as our metals stay bright and glossy and will not tarnish over time. Once fully dry (approx. 24 hours), they can be carefully polished to further improve the shine.

Victorian Gold 17ml: $4.49

Darkstar Molten 3

Coming to the US exclusively via ImpendingDuff, the long-anticipated and sought-after high-end metallic line of acrylic paints from Darkstar. 

Developed originally for the wargaming and fantasy modeling market, we believe that these water-based metallic acrylics are a great addition to your armory of paints for any modeling genre.

Copper 17ml: $4.49

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Darkstar Molten Metals are permanent when dry, and there is no need for gloss varnishing as our metals stay bright and glossy and will not tarnish over time. Once fully dry (approx. 24 hours), they can be carefully polished to further improve the shine.

We recommend that a primer or acrylic base coat be used prior to our paints.

Click Here to Get Your Paints!