D&D Spelljammer: Adventures in Space Pricing & Where to Order

Spelljammer D&D featureThe new D&D Spelljammer: Adventures in Space campaign will take your games to the astral planes- check it out!

If you’ve been looking for an exciting new adventure, the new campaign from Wizards of the Coast might just be perfect for you! This will be released on August 16th, so really not that long to wait now!

Wizkids made the announcement of three new books, all 64 pages long, along with some other merch you can pick up!  It will all come out in one big set which makes getting your new campaign off the ground that much easier.

New D&D Spelljammer: Adventures in Space

Click here to order from | Wizkids | or | auto shipped from Amazon |

Spelljammer D&D

Spelljammer: Adventures in Space presents the Astral Plane as a Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting unlike any other. Home of the stars and gateway to the heavens, the Astral Plane teems with excitement and possibility. With the help of magic, spelljammers can cross the oceans of Wildspace, ply the silvery void known as the Astral Sea, and hop between worlds of the D&D multiverse.

This sounds like it’s going to be a really cool addition to the game. Plus, with the setting, you should be able to come up with a ton of really cool campaigns!

Spelljammer D&D 3Here’s everything coming in the new set:

  • The Astral Adventurer’s Guide, a 64-page hardcover book for players and Dungeon Masters that presents the Astral Plane as a campaign setting and includes space-based character options, spells and magic items, deck plans and descriptions for spelljamming ships, and more
  • Boo’s Astral Menagerie, a 64-page hardcover book for Dungeon Masters that presents game statistics and descriptions for over 60 creatures found in Wildspace and the Astral Sea, including astral elves, cosmic horrors, lunar and solar dragons, murder comets, and space clowns.
  • Light of Xaryxis, a 64-page hardcover adventure for Dungeon Masters that is set in the Astral Plane and designed for characters of levels 5–8
  • Double-sided poster map of the Rock of Bral, an asteroid-city that can serve as both an adventure location and a campaign hub in the Astral Plane
  • Sturdy, four-panel Dungeon Master’s screen designed for use with the books in this set

Spelljammer D&D 2They will also have these awesome alternative covers available for a limited time. These will only be available in stores, so if you want one, be sure to check with your local store and see if they are grabbing any!

That does it for this one, now go pre-order yourself the new system here on Wizkids or auto shipped from Amazon!

Pre-Order Your Spelljammer: Adventures in Space Here!

Are you excited about the new D&D Spelljammer campaign books? Will you be picking them up?

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