New Dead Eldar Alternative Bits From Liber Daemonica

dead space elves feature rThese new Dead Space Elves Bits from Liber Daemonica will take your bases and minis to a whole new level- check out what you can score!

Liber has all kinds of really cool Marine/Chaos Marine heads and bits on the site, but this time, they are focusing on the basing aspect of things, and most likely for Chaos players. All the bits make for super easy conversions that will make your minis’ bases look amazing. However, if you don’t feel like painting or converting anything, they do some really awesome commission work covering everything from conversions to paint jobs.

It’s hard to find bits that will really make your army stand out this much, plus, if you play against Eldar (or expect to soon with the new book), these should make you roll better against them, and that’s according to science. These are just some of what they have to offer in the way of bits, so be sure to check them out to see everything they have to offer.

Dead Space Elves New Bits From Liber Daemonica

dead space elvesThese aren’t on pre-order quite yet but should be up on the site extremely soon. Plus, by the time you’re reading this they will be out very soon, so if you want some, better get in on it now! If you’re obsessed with conversions, check out what else Liber Daemonica has been releasing!

dead space elves 2Just another really cool set that will really work perfectly for bases or dioramas. Plus if you play Chaos, might as well throw some on your bases! Especially with the new book coming out, you have to assert your dominance over all those new Eldar players somehow.

These warriors have lived for thousands of years in order to drop dead on your dioramas) And if you like noble battles full of realism, then we also have something to please you! Soon on site!

That does it for this one, now go grab some awesome conversion bits from a cool company!

Click Here To Get Your Dead Space Elves Bits!