New December Infinity Miniatures From Corvus Belli

Infinity Feature hor walIf you’re already looking for new models, then the December Infinity miniatures might just be perfect for you- check it out!

With the new Infinity edition in full swing, it’s time to start adding some new units to your forces! Word on the street is the game is getting easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time!

These new releases give you a unique way to add more minis to your forces. Just keep in mind that these will be released in late December, but not really that far away now. 

So get those hobby dollars saved up if you want to hop on any of the pre-orders. Like all of their minis, these are super detailed and make fun painting projects even if you don’t play.

Let’s take a closer look at the minis!

Morat Expansion Pack Alpha: 47,95 €

December Infinity Minis

Morat are known for never surrendering. They will always fight viciously until there is nobody left standing. While aware of danger and knowing that defeat is unquestionable Morat will remain in their positions.

December Infinity Minis 2

This box includes 3 miniatures: 1 Zerat with Boarding Shotgun, 1 Dropsuit Taryot with Boarding Shotgun and 1 Rindak Paramedic with Submachine Gun. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Morat collection you started with the Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack.

Scots Guard: 32,95 €

December Infinity Minis 3

The Scots Guards is a strange unit in the Caledonian Armed Forces, a regular Corps specifically formed to execute special operations, equipped with a strong regimental pride but without any clan ties, a unit that combines the best of the warrior tradition with the best of the Highlander tradition and the dirtiest tricks of the S.A.S. Commandos along with the most modern battle techniques.

December Infinity Minis 4

With this box, you will be able to create a Fireteam of Scots Guards to expand their firepower at any range and sweep away your enemies.

Moran, Maasai Hunters: 27,50 €

December Infinity Minis 5

Dedicated skirmishers, every Moran Maasai Hunter is a seasoned scout. Their duties in the NMF include intelligence gathering, that is, serving the role of the army’s forward eyes and ears.

December Infinity Minis 6

This box includes 6 miniatures: One Moran with Combi Rifle, one Moran with Boarding Shotgun and 4 CrazyKoalas. If you are looking for powerful tabletop control, the Moran Maasai are the best choice. Their CrazyKoalas will frustrate the enemy advance and their Repeaters will extend the effect radius of your Hackers.

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